Monday, April 27, 2009 - 19:21
Released CozyRoc SSIS+ 1.3 SR-4 ( This release includes following major changes:
- Fixed: FTPS Connection Manager was not able to parse file information provided by Connect:Enterprise UNIX FTP server.
- Fixed: SFTP Task will now return error, when there are no remote files to receive or remove. This matches the behavior of the standard FTP task.
- Fixed: Zip Task failed with error "Cannot access a closed file" when decompressing File.
- Fixed: SSH Connection Manager failed to connect to servers requiring both key file and password for authentication (Thank you, Jeremy).
- Fixed: When connected to GlobalSCAPE Server SSH Connection Manager failed with "inputstream is closed" error message, trying to retrieve directory list with more than 250 files.
- Fixed: Data Flow Source was not able to locate a Data Flow Destination, when the Data Flow Task was contained in For Each Loop container (Thank you, Miguel).
- New: FTPS Connection Manager can now process remote file list containing only names.
- Fixed: When Data Flow Source / Data Flow Destination were used multiple times in a package, the execution failed sometimes with message: "The component ... was unable to process the data".
- New: A new option skipNewline in EDI Source configuration file for avoiding formatting carriage return / line feed characters.
- Fixed: Package Connection Manager retrieve of related Package object is now more robust.
- Fixed: Jabber Connection Manager crashed when used with invalid parameters.
- Fixed: Data Flow Task Plus was not installed properly on 64bit systems.
- Fixed: OpenPGP Task failed to encrypt signed package output as ASCII.
- New: Included new licensing system and related support services. Now customers can request trial keys, request license keys for their purchases and automatically renew subscription license keys all without assistance from CozyRoc support team. You can find more details about the new system in our licensing instructions.