- Bidirectional integration with Fleet Complete service.
- Introduced January, 2017 in 1.7 version.
- Implemented as configuration for the powerful COZYROC REST framework.
- Intuitive support for composite objects (Sensors, Rules, Trip, GeoData, Routes, etc).
- Bidirectional integration with Google Admin service.
- Introduced January, 2017 in 1.7 version.
- Implemented as configuration for the powerful COZYROC REST framework.
- Intuitive support for composite objects (domainAliases, applications, addresses, ims, etc).
- Bidirectional integration with Google Calendar service.
- Introduced January, 2017 in 1.7 version.
- Implemented as configuration for the powerful COZYROC REST framework.
- Intuitive support for composite objects (attachments, attendees, etc).
- Support for Google Drive service file management thru COZYROC File Transfer Task.
- Introduced January, 2017 in 1.7 version.
- Implemented as configuration for the powerful COZYROC REST framework.
- Bidirectional integration with Google Sheets service.
- Introduced January, 2017 in 1.7 version.
- Implemented as configuration for the powerful COZYROC REST framework.
- Intuitive support for composite objects.
- Bidirectional integration with HubSpot service.
- Introduced January, 2017 in 1.7 version.
- Implemented as configuration for the powerful COZYROC REST framework.
- Support for file management thru COZYROC File Transfer Task.
- Bidirectional integration with Marketo service.
- Introduced January, 2017 in 1.7 version.
- Implemented as configuration for the powerful COZYROC REST framework.
- Support for file management thru COZYROC File Transfer Task.
- Deprecated in 2.1 version and above.
- Support for OneDrive service file management thru COZYROC File Transfer Task.
- Introduced January, 2017 in 1.7 version.
- Implemented as configuration for the powerful COZYROC REST framework.
- Important: Parature service has been discontinued.
- Bidirectional integration with Parature service.
- Introduced January, 2017 in 1.7 version.
- Implemented as configuration for the powerful COZYROC REST framework.
- Bidirectional integration with Pardot service.
- Introduced January, 2017 in 1.7 version.
- Implemented as configuration for the powerful COZYROC REST framework.
- Intuitive support for composite objects (visitor, visitor_activity, list_subscription).