DEPRECATED: Starting with SSIS+ 1.9, the .NET scripts are no longer maintained. Use the provided JavaScript alternative scripts instead.
Script File:
Script task to perform Dynamics CRM bulk delete.
The script has the following parameters:
- CrmConnection - selects Dynamics CRM Connection.
- JobName - specifies job name.
- QuerySet - specifies FetchXML for the records you want deleted.
- StartDateTime - specifies bulk delete job start date and time.
- RecurrencePattern - specifies job recurrence pattern. Use the syntax described in RFC2445
- JobIdResultVariable - selects variable to store the job identifier.
- SendEmail - specifies whether an email notification is sent after the job finishes executing.
- ToRecipients - specifies recipient identifiers to receive notification email. Multiple recipients are separated with semicolon (;).
- CCRecipients - specifies CC'd identifiers to receive notification email. Multiple recipients are separated with semicolon (;).
Depends on COZYROC Script Task Plus component for implementing parameters user interface.