Friday, May 20, 2022 - 19:39
2.1 Library
  • New: [Microsoft Dataverse] Implemented to use navigation property information for lookup field update. - 2986
  • New: [XML Destination] Component for generating XML files. - 2705
  • Fixed: [General] Duplicated columns in asynchronous error output when metadata dependent changes are made. - 2983
  • Fixed: [Database Destination] Eliminate compilation warning messages. - 2982
  • New: [REST] Enable token retrieval via Microsoft Edge WebView2.
  • New: [Design-Time] The design time features in Visual Studio require .NET Framework 4.5 or later - 2972
  • New: [Microsoft Dataverse] Support for update picklist field with both name and code, update/upsert with alternate keys, upsert using "Duplicate Detection Rules". - 2981
  • Fixed: [Preview] "Input string was not in correct format." tooltip when column name contains {}. - 2979
  • Fixed: [REST] Streamlined and simplified parameters UI definition further. - 2978
  • New: [Smartsheet] Enhanced parameters UI. - 2977
  • Fixed: [REST] Retrieval of dependent parameter collection failed because of missing parameters reference. - 2976
  • Fixed: [General] Closing the components' editors with OK button may skip refreshing the metadata (if after a significant change the user has not moved to another page). - 2974
  • Fixed: Better handling of input columns in components with multiple inputs. - 2973
  • Fixed: [REST] Updated definitions of parameter editors for consistency. - 2971
  • Fixed: [Database Destination] "Cannot Resolve Collation Conflict" when using SQL Server and ADO.NET. - 2967
  • New: [Twilio] Definition for 'Message' resource. - 2969
  • Fixed: [Data Flow Task Plus] Issues with PDW Destination when working with Flat File Source in dynamic data flow. - 2933
  • Fixed: [Visual Studio Addon] In some situations "Remove Static Columns" didn't work for particular destinations components in Data Flow Task Plus. - 2914
  • New: [REST] Support for parameters of type "Cookie". - 2965
  • New: [SurveyMonkey] Enhanced parameters UI. - 2963
  • Fixed: [JSON Destination] "Duplicate element name" error in scenarios with multiple input columns with two dots in their name. - 2961
  • New: [Jira] Support for expand field when querying "Issue" resource. - 2957
  • Fixed: [Sage Intacct] Improve error handling. - 2958
  • Fixed: [Salesforce Source] a regression issue with bulk mode. - 2956
  • New: [Database Destination] Support DB2 running on "IBM i" operating system (ODBC and MS OLEDB). - 2915