Configuration is provided for establishing connections with Microsoft Graph service. The configuration is used in the REST Connection Manager.
Check below some common service URLs:
Description | URL |
Default | https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0 |
Connecting to OneDrive Personal | https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me |
Connecting to default SharePoint instance | https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/root |
Connecting to specific SharePoint instance | https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/<site-id> |
To be able to work with SharePoint sites, please include the following scopes when generating the authentication token: Sites.ReadWrite.All
Press icon to get more information about the connection parameters.
Obtain data
Use REST Source component to get data from service resource.
Insert data
Use REST Destination component to insert data into service resource.
Manage remote files and directories
Use File Transfer Task to manage remote files and directories. You will have to include the following scopes when generating the authentication token: Files.ReadWrite Files.ReadWrite.All
For OneDrive, the Files.ReadWrite.All is required.
Quick Start
In this task, we will show you step-by-step how to create a connection to Microsoft Graph REST API using COZYROC's REST Connection Manager.
Step 2. From drop-down menu Configuration select Microsoft Graph. Select the default OAuth authentication. Then click New in the Token File parameter to create a new token file.
Step 3:
For client_id, client_secret and tenant you must register your own application to obtain these three values.
Note: In creating your application use https://www.cozyroc.com/oauth_callback for redirect URI so the token generation will return back to the token generation wizard.
For more information about setting up your own application, see this link from Microsoft:
Quickstart: Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform.
For Scope enter appropriate scopes needed for your business needs. The default is: offline_access Sites.ReadWrite.All Files.ReadWrite.All Files.ReadWrite and generally described as follows:
- Token Refresh use: offline_access
- Sharepoint lists use: Sites.ReadWrite.All
- File Transfer Task with Sharepoint use: Files.ReadWrite.All Files.ReadWrite
Optional parameter Prompt you have a choice of entering the value consent which is default or Microsoft has documentation for other values that can be entered or if you leave it blank then the token will be generated without the consent screen in step 5.
See Microsoft documentation for more about Prompt here:
Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow.
Congratulations! You have now established a connection to your Microsoft Graph instance.
In this guide, we will show how to read data from the Microsoft Graph service resource using the COZYROC REST Source component. Specifically, we will show how to read Excel sheet data.
In this guide, we will show how to write data to the Microsoft Graph service resource using the COZYROC REST Destination component. We will show how to write data into an Excel sheet.
Base URL address: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0
- OAuth
The authentication uses an authorized token. The token will be refreshed with the following expression:
{{=Date.now() + (response.expires_in - 300) * 1000}}
.The authentication has the following user-defined parameters:
- client_id: Required. Identifier of application that is associated with the authentication token.
- client_secret: Specify application client secret. Optional.
- tenant: Required. Specify tenant identifier.
- Scope:
The following request parameters will be automatically processed during the authentication process:
Bearer {{=token.Access}}
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/auth-v2-user.
- Service
The authentication uses a session token.
The authentication has the following user-defined parameters:
- Tenant: Required. Specify directory tenant.
- AppID: Required. Specify Application ID.
- AppSecret: Required. Specify Application Secret.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed during the authentication process:
Bearer {{=token.Access}}
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/auth-v2-service.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/drive-list.
- [Read search] action
The result is extracted from:{{=Graph.searchData(parameters, 'drive')}}
The result is paginated.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- query: Required. Specify query term.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/search-api-overview.
The resource includes the fields from the DriveT template.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- path: Required. Specify parent path.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=_.filter(parameters.fields, function(item) { return item.indexOf('.') == -1; }).join()}}
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/driveitem-list-children.
- [Read shared] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/drive-sharedwithme.
- [Read recent] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/drive-recent.
- [Read search] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- search: Required. Specify search query.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/driveitem-search.
- [Create] action
The result is extracted from:{{=Graph.createDriveItem(item)}}
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/driveitem-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/driveitem-delete.
The resource includes the fields from the DriveItemT template.
- content
Data type: DT_IMAGE The value is gathered from
address.- path
Template: ShortText. The gathered value is processed with
{{=item.parentReference.path + '/' + item.name}}
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/site-list-subsites.
- [Read search] action
The result is extracted from:{{=Graph.searchData(parameters, 'site')}}
The result is paginated.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- query: Required. Specify query term.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/search-api-overview.
The resource includes the fields from the SiteT template.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/list-list.
- [Read search] action
The result is extracted from:{{=Graph.searchData(parameters, 'list')}}
The result is paginated.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- query: Required. Specify query term.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/search-api-overview.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/list-create.
The resource includes the fields from the SiteListT template.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- list_id: Required. Specify list identifier.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/listitem-list.
- [Read search] action
The result is extracted from:{{=Graph.searchData(parameters, 'listItem')}}
The result is paginated.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- query: Required. Specify query term.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/search-api-overview.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- list_id: Required. Specify list identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/listitem-create.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- list_id: Required. Specify list identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/listitem-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- list_id: Required. Specify list identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/listitem-delete.
The resource includes the fields from the SiteListItemT template.
- versions
A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.value}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, lastModifiedBy, lastModifiedDateTime.
- analytics
Template: Analytics. A read-only field. The value is gathered from
- [External]
The external fields URL address:
. The external fields list is extracted from:{{=response.columns}}
.- fields.{{=external.name}}
Template: {{=Graph.getListColumnTemplate(external)}}. ( length {{=external.text && external.text.maxLength}} ) Before setting, the value is processed with
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-list.
- [Read deleted] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/directory-deleteditems-list.
- [Read delta] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-delta.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-post-users.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
Template: ShortText.
- mailNickname
Template: ShortText.
- otherMails
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- proxyAddresses
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- userPrincipalName
Template: ShortText.
- accountEnabled
Data type: DT_BOOL
- onPremisesImmutableId
Template: ShortText.
- passwordProfile
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: forceChangePasswordNextSignIn, forceChangePasswordNextSignInWithMfa, password.
Uses template:
- aboutMe
Template: ShortText.
- birthday
Template: DateTime.
- businessPhones
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- city
Template: ShortText.
- country
Template: ShortText.
- department
Template: ShortText.
- givenName
Template: ShortText.
- hireDate
Template: DateTime.
- interests
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- jobTitle
Template: ShortText.
- mobilePhone
Template: ShortText.
- mySite
Template: ShortText.
- officeLocation
Template: ShortText.
- passwordPolicies
Template: LongText.
- pastProjects
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- postalCode
Template: ShortText.
- preferredLanguage
Template: ShortText.
- responsibilities
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- schools
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- skills
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- state
Template: ShortText.
- streetAddress
Template: ShortText.
- surname
Template: ShortText.
- usageLocation
Template: ShortText.
- userType
Template: ShortText.
- appRoleAssignments
A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.value}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
- calendars
A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.value}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
- events
A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
- mailFolders
A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.value}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, displayName, parentFolderId, childFolderCount, unreadItemCount, totalItemCount.
- manager
A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response[field.name]}}
expression. Field components:-
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, displayName, jobTitle, mail, userPrincipalName.
Uses template:
- mailbox_settings
A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response[field.name]}}
expression. Field components:-
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: automaticRepliesSetting, timeZone, language, workingHours, dateFormat, timeFormat, delegateMeetingMessageDeliveryOptions.
Uses template:
- categories
A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.value}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, displayName, color.
- languages
A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.value}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
- photo
Data type: DT_IMAGE A read-only field. The value is gathered from
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
The result is extracted from:.
- [Read shared] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier - id or userPrincipalName.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/insights-list-shared.
- [Read trending] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier - id or userPrincipalName.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/insights-list-trending.
- [Read used] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier - id or userPrincipalName.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/insights-list-used.
- id
Template: ShortText.
- resourceVisualization
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: title, type, mediaType, previewImageUrl, previewText, containerWebUrl, containerDisplayName, containerType.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/insights-resourcevisualization.
Uses template:
- resourceReference
Template: InsightsResourceReference.
- lastShared
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: sharedDateTime, sharingSubject, sharingType, sharedBy, sharingReference.
Uses template:
- weight
Data type: DT_R8
- lastUsed
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: lastAccessedDateTime, lastModifiedDateTime.
Uses template:
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/group-list.
- [Read deleted] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/directory-deleteditems-list.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/group-post-groups.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/group-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/group-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- description
Template: ShortText.
Template: ShortText.
- mailEnabled
Data type: DT_BOOL
- mailNickname
Template: ShortText.
- securityEnabled
Data type: DT_BOOL
- owners
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- members
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- visibility
Template: ShortText.
- allowExternalSenders
Data type: DT_BOOL
- assignedLabels
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: labelId, displayName.
- assignedLicenses
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: disabledPlans, skuId.
- autoSubscribeNewMembers
Data type: DT_BOOL
- classification
Template: ShortText.
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- deletedDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- expirationDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- groupTypes
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- hasMembersWithLicenseErrors
Data type: DT_BOOL
- hideFromAddressLists
Data type: DT_BOOL
- hideFromOutlookClients
Data type: DT_BOOL
- isSubscribedByMail
Data type: DT_BOOL
- licenseProcessingState
Template: ShortText. A read-only field.
- membershipRule
Template: ShortText.
- membershipRuleProcessingState
Template: ShortText.
- onPremisesSamAccountName
Template: ShortText.
- onPremisesSecurityIdentifier
Template: ShortText. A read-only field.
- onPremisesSyncEnabled
Data type: DT_BOOL A read-only field.
- preferredDataLocation
Template: ShortText.
- preferredLanguage
Template: ShortText.
- proxyAddresses
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- renewedDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- resourceBehaviorOptions
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- resourceProvisioningOptions
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- securityIdentifier
Template: ShortText.
- theme
Template: ShortText.
- unseenCount
Data type: DT_I4
- appRoleAssignments
A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.value}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
- events
A read-only field. The value is gathered from
address. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
- photo
Data type: DT_IMAGE A read-only field. The value is gathered from
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
The result is extracted from:.
- [Read event] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier - id or userPrincipalName.
- event_id: Required. Specify event identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/event-list-attachments.
- [Read message] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier - id or userPrincipalName.
- message_id: Required. Specify message identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/message-list-attachments.
- [Read post] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- group_id: Required. Specify group identifier.
- thread_id: Required. Specify thread identifier.
- post_id: Required. Specify post identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/post-list-attachments.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/event-post-attachments https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/message-post-attachments .
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
The resource includes the fields from the Attachment template.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier - id or userPrincipalName.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-list-calendars.
- [Read group] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier - id or userPrincipalName.
- group_id: Required. Specify group identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-list-calendars.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-post-calendars.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/calendar-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/calendar-delete.
The resource includes the fields from the CalendarT template.
- userPrincipalName
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
The result is extracted from:{{=Graph.searchData(parameters, 'event')}}
The result is paginated.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- query: Required. Specify query term.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/search-api-overview.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier - id or userPrincipalName.
- [Read calendar] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier - id or userPrincipalName.
- [Read user-calendar] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier - id or userPrincipalName.
- calendar_id: Required. Specify calendar identifier.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-post-events.
The resource includes the fields from the EventT template.
- user_id
Template: ShortText.
- calendar_id
Template: ShortText.
- attachments
The value is gathered from
/users/{{=parameters.user_id}}/{{=parameters.get('calendar_id' ? 'calendars/' + parameters.calendar_id : 'calendar'}}/events/{{=item.id}}/attachments
address. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/place-list.
- [Read roomlist-address] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- roomlist_address: Required. Specify room list email address.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/place-list.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/place-update.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- address
Template: PhysicalAddress.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- geoCoordinates
Field components:
- Contains the following components: accuracy, altitude, altitudeAccuracy, latitude, longitude.
- phone
Template: ShortText.
- nickname
Template: ShortText.
- label
Template: ShortText.
- capacity
Data type: DT_I4
- building
Template: ShortText.
- floorNumber
Data type: DT_I4
- isManaged
Data type: DT_BOOL
- isWheelChairAccessible
Data type: DT_BOOL
- bookingType
Template: ShortText.
- tags
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- audioDeviceName
Template: ShortText.
- videoDeviceName
Template: ShortText.
- displayDevice
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier - id or userPrincipalName.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-list-contacts.
- [Read user-calendar] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier - id or userPrincipalName.
- folder_id: Required. Specify folder identifier.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-post-contacts.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/contact-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/contact-delete.
The resource includes the fields from the ContactT template.
- userPrincipalName
A key field. Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/application-list.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/application-post-applications.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/application-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/application-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- appId
Template: ShortText.
- identifierUris
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- publisherDomain
Template: ShortText.
- signInAudience
Template: ShortText.
- addIns
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, properties, type.
- api
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: acceptMappedClaims, knownClientApplications, oauth2PermissionScopes, preAuthorizedApplications, requestedAccessTokenVersion.
Uses template:
- appRoles
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, allowedMemberTypes, description, displayName, isEnabled, origin, value.
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- deletedDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- groupMembershipClaims
Template: ShortText.
- info
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: logoUrl, marketingUrl, privacyStatementUrl, supportUrl, termsOfServiceUrl.
Uses template:
- isFallbackPublicClient
Data type: DT_BOOL
- keyCredentials
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: customKeyIdentifier, displayName, endDateTime, keyId, startDateTime, type, usage, key.
Uses template:
- logo
Data type: DT_IMAGE
- optionalClaims
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: idToken, accessToken, saml2Token.
Uses template:
- parentalControlSettings
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: countriesBlockedForMinors, legalAgeGroupRule.
Uses template:
- passwordCredentials
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: customKeyIdentifier, displayName, endDateTime, hint, keyId, secretText, startDateTime.
- publicClient
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: redirectUris.
Uses template:
- requiredResourceAccess
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: resourceAccess, resourceAppId.
- tags
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- tokenEncryptionKeyId
Template: ShortText.
- verifiedPublisher
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: displayName, verifiedPublisherId, addedDateTime.
Uses template:
- web
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: homePageUrl, implicitGrantSettings, logoutUrl, redirectUris.
Uses template:
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/subscription-list.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/subscription-post-subscriptions.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/subscription-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/subscription-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- changeType
Template: ShortText.
- notificationUrl
Template: ShortText.
- lifecycleNotificationUrl
Template: ShortText.
- resource
Template: ShortText.
- applicationId
Template: ShortText.
- expirationDateTime
Template: DateTime.
- clientState
Template: ShortText.
- creatorId
Template: ShortText.
- includeResourceData
Template: ShortText.
- encryptionCertificate
Template: ShortText.
- encryptionCertificateId
Template: ShortText.
- latestSupportedTlsVersion
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/educationroot-list-schools.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/educationroot-post-schools.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/educationschool-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/educationschool-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- description
Template: ShortText.
- status
Template: ShortText.
- externalSource
Template: ShortText.
- principalEmail
Template: ShortText.
- principalName
Template: ShortText.
- externalPrincipalId
Template: ShortText.
- highestGrade
Template: ShortText.
- lowestGrade
Template: ShortText.
- schoolNumber
Template: ShortText.
- address
Template: PhysicalAddress.
- createdBy
Template: IdentitySet. A read-only field.
- externalId
Template: ShortText.
- phone
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/educationroot-list-classes.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/educationroot-post-classes.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/educationclass-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/educationclass-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- description
Template: ShortText.
- classCode
Template: ShortText.
- createdBy
Template: IdentitySet. A read-only field.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- externalId
Template: ShortText.
- externalName
Template: ShortText.
- externalSource
Template: ShortText.
- mailNickname
Template: ShortText.
- term
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: displayName, externalId, startDate, endDate.
Uses template:
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- class_id: Required. Specify teacher identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/educationclass-list-teachers.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/educationclass-post-teachers.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/educationuser-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/educationclass-delete-teachers.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- givenName
Template: ShortText.
- middleName
Template: ShortText.
- surname
Template: ShortText.
Template: ShortText.
- mobilePhone
Template: ShortText.
- createdBy
Template: IdentitySet. A read-only field.
- externalSource
Template: ShortText.
- mailingAddress
Template: PhysicalAddress.
- primaryRole
Template: ShortText.
- residenceAddress
Template: PhysicalAddress.
- class_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- class_id: Required. Specify teacher identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/educationclass-list-members.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/educationclass-post-members.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/educationuser-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/educationclass-delete-members.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- givenName
Template: ShortText.
- middleName
Template: ShortText.
- surname
Template: ShortText.
Template: ShortText.
- mobilePhone
Template: ShortText.
- createdBy
Template: IdentitySet. A read-only field.
- externalSource
Template: ShortText.
- mailingAddress
Template: PhysicalAddress.
- primaryRole
Template: ShortText.
- residenceAddress
Template: PhysicalAddress.
- teacher
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: externalId, teacherNumber.
Uses template:
- class_id
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier - id or userPrincipalName.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-list-messages.
- [Read search] action
The result is extracted from:{{=Graph.searchData(parameters, 'message')}}
The result is paginated.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- query: Required. Specify query term.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/search-api-overview.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-post-messages.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/message-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/message-delete.
The resource includes the fields from the MessageT template.
- user_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- attachments
The value is gathered from
address. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/onenote-list-notebooks.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/onenote-post-notebooks.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- createdBy
Template: IdentitySet. A read-only field.
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- isDefault
Data type: DT_BOOL
- isShared
Data type: DT_BOOL
- lastModifiedBy
Template: IdentitySet.
- lastModifiedDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- links
Template: OneNoteLink.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- sectionGroupsUrl
Template: ShortText.
- sectionsUrl
Template: ShortText.
- self
Template: ShortText.
- userRole
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/onenote-list-sections.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/notebook-post-sections.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- createdBy
Template: IdentitySet. A read-only field.
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- isDefault
Data type: DT_BOOL
- lastModifiedBy
Template: IdentitySet. A read-only field.
- lastModifiedDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- links
Template: OneNoteLink.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- pagesUrl
Template: ShortText.
- self
Template: ShortText.
- notebook_id
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/onenote-list-pages.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/section-post-pages.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/page-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/page-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- content
Template: ShortText.
- contentUrl
Template: ShortText.
- createdByAppId
Template: ShortText.
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- lastModifiedDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- level
Data type: DT_I4
- links
Template: OneNoteLink.
- order
Data type: DT_I4
- self
Template: ShortText.
- title
Template: ShortText.
- section_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier - id or userPrincipalName.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-list-people.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- birthday
Template: ShortText.
- companyName
Template: ShortText.
- department
Template: ShortText.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- scoredEmailAddresses
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: address, relevanceScore.
- givenName
Template: ShortText.
- imAddress
Template: ShortText.
- isFavorite
Data type: DT_BOOL
- jobTitle
Template: ShortText.
- officeLocation
Template: ShortText.
- personNotes
Template: ShortText.
- personType
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: class, subclass.
Uses template:
- phones
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: number, type.
- postalAddresses
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- profession
Template: ShortText.
- surname
Template: ShortText.
- userPrincipalName
Template: ShortText.
- websites
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: type, address, displayName.
- yomiCompany
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/directoryaudit-list.
- id
Template: ShortText.
- activityDateTime
Template: DateTime.
- activityDisplayName
Template: ShortText.
- additionalDetails
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: key, value.
- category
Template: ShortText.
- correlationId
Template: ShortText.
- initiatedBy
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: app, user.
Uses template:
- loggedByService
Template: ShortText.
- result
Template: ShortText.
- resultReason
Template: ShortText.
- targetResources
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, displayName, type, userPrincipalName, groupType, modifiedProperties.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/signin-list.
- id
Template: ShortText.
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime.
- appDisplayName
Template: ShortText.
- appId
Template: ShortText.
- ipAddress
Template: ShortText.
- clientAppUsed
Template: ShortText.
- correlationId
Template: ShortText.
- conditionalAccessStatus
Template: ShortText.
- appliedConditionalAccessPolicy
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, displayName, enforcedGrantControls, enforcedSessionControls, result.
- isInteractive
Template: ShortText.
- deviceDetail
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: browser, deviceId, displayName, isCompliant, isManaged, operatingSystem, trustType.
Uses template:
- location
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: city, countryOrRegion, geoCoordinates, state.
Uses template:
- riskDetail
Template: ShortText.
- riskLevelAggregated
Template: ShortText.
- riskLevelDuringSignIn
Template: ShortText.
- riskState
Template: ShortText.
- riskEventTypes
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- riskEventTypes_v2
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- resourceDisplayName
Template: ShortText.
- resourceId
Template: ShortText.
- status
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: additionalDetails, errorCode, failureReason.
Uses template:
- userDisplayName
Template: ShortText.
- userId
Template: ShortText.
- userPrincipalName
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getteamsdeviceusageuserdetail.
- [Read count] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getteamsdeviceusageusercounts.
- [Read distribution] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getteamsdeviceusagedistributionusercounts.
- User Principal Name
Template: ShortText.
- Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Is Deleted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Deleted Date
Template: DateTime.
- Used Web
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Used Windows Phone
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Used iOS
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Used Mac
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Used Android Phone
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Used Windows
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Web
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Windows Phone
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Android Phone
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Mac
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Windows
Data type: DT_BOOL
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getteamsuseractivityuserdetail.
- [Read activity] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getteamsuseractivitycounts.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getteamsuseractivityusercounts.
- User Principal Name
Template: ShortText.
- Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Is Deleted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Deleted Date
Template: DateTime.
- Assigned Products
Data type: DT_I4
- Team Chat Message Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Private Chat Message Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Call Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Meeting Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Has Other Action
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Team Chat Messages
Data type: DT_I4
- Private Chat Messages
Data type: DT_I4
- Calls
Data type: DT_I4
- Meetings
Data type: DT_I4
- Other Actions
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getemailactivityuserdetail.
- [Read activity] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getemailactivitycounts.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getemailactivityusercounts.
- User Principal Name
Template: ShortText.
- Display Name
Template: ShortText.
- Is Deleted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Deleted Date
Template: DateTime.
- Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Send Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Receive Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Read Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Assigned Products
Data type: DT_I4
- Send
Data type: DT_I4
- Receive
Data type: DT_I4
- Read
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getemailappusageuserdetail.
- [Read apps] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getemailappusageappsusercounts.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getemailappusageusercounts.
- [Read versions] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getemailappusageversionsusercounts.
- User Principal Name
Template: ShortText.
- Display Name
Template: ShortText.
- Is Deleted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Deleted Date
Template: DateTime.
- Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Mail For Mac
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Outlook For Mac
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Outlook For Windows
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Outlook For Mobile
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Other For Mobile
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Outlook For Web
Data type: DT_BOOL
- POP3 App
Data type: DT_BOOL
- IMAP4 App
Data type: DT_BOOL
- SMTP App
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Outlook 2016
Data type: DT_I4
- Outlook 2013
Data type: DT_I4
- Outlook 2010
Data type: DT_I4
- Outlook 2007
Data type: DT_I4
- Undetermined
Data type: DT_I4
- Outlook M365
Data type: DT_I4
- Outlook 2019
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getmailboxusagedetail.
- [Read mailbox] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getmailboxusagemailboxcounts.
- [Read quota] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getmailboxusagequotastatusmailboxcounts.
- [Read storage] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getmailboxusagestorage.
- User Principal Name
Template: ShortText.
- Display Name
Template: ShortText.
- Is Deleted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Deleted Date
Template: DateTime.
- Date
Template: DateTime.
- Created Date
Template: DateTime.
- Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Item Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Storage Used (Byte)
Data type: DT_I4
- Issue Warning Quota (Byte)
Data type: DT_I4
- Prohibit Send Quota (Byte)
Data type: DT_I4
- Prohibit Send/Receive Quota (Byte)
Data type: DT_I4
- Deleted Item Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Deleted Item Size (Byte)
Data type: DT_I4
- Total
Data type: DT_I4
- Active
Data type: DT_I4
- Under Limit
Data type: DT_I4
- Warning Issued
Data type: DT_I4
- Send Prohibited
Data type: DT_I4
- Send/Receive Prohibited
Data type: DT_I4
- Indeterminate
Data type: DT_I4
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=Graph.getResultFromCSV(response)}}
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getoffice365activationsuserdetail.
- [Read activation] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=Graph.getResultFromCSV(response)}}
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getoffice365activationcounts.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=Graph.getResultFromCSV(response)}}
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getoffice365activationsusercounts.
- Report Refresh Date
Template: DateTime.
- User Principal Name
Template: ShortText.
- Display Name
Template: ShortText.
- Product Type
Template: ShortText.
- Last Activated Date
Template: DateTime.
- Windows
Data type: DT_I4
- Mac
Data type: DT_I4
- Windows 10 Mobile
Data type: DT_I4
- iOS
Data type: DT_I4
- Android
Data type: DT_I4
- Activated On Shared Computer
Data type: DT_I4
- Assigned
Data type: DT_I4
- Activated
Data type: DT_I4
- Shared Computer Activation
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getoffice365activeuserdetail.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getoffice365activeusercounts.
- [Read services] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getoffice365servicesusercounts.
- User Principal Name
Template: ShortText.
- Display Name
Template: ShortText.
- Is Deleted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Deleted Date
Template: DateTime.
- Has Exchange License
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Has OneDrive License
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Has SharePoint License
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Has Skype For Business License
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Has Yammer License
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Has Teams License
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Exchange Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- OneDrive Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- SharePoint Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Skype For Business Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Yammer Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Teams Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Exchange License Assign Date
Template: DateTime.
- OneDrive License Assign Date
Template: DateTime.
- SharePoint License Assign Date
Template: DateTime.
- Skype For Business License Assign Date
Template: DateTime.
- Yammer License Assign Date
Template: DateTime.
- Teams License Assign Date
Template: DateTime.
- Assigned Products
Data type: DT_I4
- Office 365
Data type: DT_I4
- Exchange
Data type: DT_I4
- OneDrive
Data type: DT_I4
- SharePoint
Data type: DT_I4
- Skype For Business
Data type: DT_I4
- Yammer
Data type: DT_I4
- Teams
Data type: DT_I4
- Exchange Active
Data type: DT_I4
- Exchange Inactive
Data type: DT_I4
- OneDrive Active
Data type: DT_I4
- OneDrive Inactive
Data type: DT_I4
- SharePoint Active
Data type: DT_I4
- SharePoint Inactive
Data type: DT_I4
- Skype For Business Active
Data type: DT_I4
- Skype For Business Inactive
Data type: DT_I4
- Yammer Active
Data type: DT_I4
- Yammer Inactive
Data type: DT_I4
- Teams Active
Data type: DT_I4
- Teams Inactive
Data type: DT_I4
- Office 365 Active
Data type: DT_I4
- Office 365 Inactive
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getoffice365groupsactivitydetail.
- [Read activity] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getoffice365groupsactivitycounts.
- [Read group] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getoffice365groupsactivitygroupcounts.
- [Read storage] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getoffice365groupsactivitystorage.
- [Read file] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getoffice365groupsactivityfilecounts.
- Group Display Name
Template: ShortText.
- Is Deleted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Owner Principal Name
Template: ShortText.
- Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Group Type
Template: ShortText.
- Member Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Guest Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Exchange Received Email Count
Data type: DT_I4
- SharePoint Active File Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Yammer Posted Message Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Yammer Read Message Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Yammer Liked Message Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Exchange Mailbox Total Item Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Exchange Mailbox Storage Used (Byte)
Data type: DT_I4
- SharePoint Total File Count
Data type: DT_I4
- SharePoint Site Storage Used (Byte)
Data type: DT_I4
- Group Id
Template: ShortText.
- Exchange Emails Received
Data type: DT_I4
- Yammer Messages Posted
Data type: DT_I4
- Yammer Messages Read
Data type: DT_I4
- Yammer Messages Liked
Data type: DT_I4
- Total
Data type: DT_I4
- Active
Data type: DT_I4
- Mailbox Storage Used (Byte)
Data type: DT_I4
- Site Storage Used (Byte)
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getonedriveactivityuserdetail.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getonedriveactivityusercounts.
- [Read file] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getonedriveactivityfilecounts.
- User Principal Name
Template: ShortText.
- Is Deleted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Deleted Date
Template: DateTime.
- Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Viewed Or Edited File Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Synced File Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Shared Internally File Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Shared Externally File Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Assigned Products
Data type: DT_I4
- Viewed Or Edited
Data type: DT_I4
- Synced
Data type: DT_I4
- Shared Internally
Data type: DT_I4
- Shared Externally
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getonedriveusageaccountdetail.
- [Read account] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getonedriveusageaccountcounts.
- [Read file] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getonedriveusagefilecounts.
- [Read storage] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getonedriveusagestorage.
- Site URL
Template: ShortText.
- Owner Display Name
Template: ShortText.
- Is Deleted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- File Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Active File Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Storage Used (Byte)
Data type: DT_I4
- Storage Allocated (Byte)
Data type: DT_I4
- Owner Principal Name
Template: ShortText.
- Site Type
Template: ShortText.
- Total
Data type: DT_I4
- Active
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getsharepointactivityuserdetail.
- [Read file] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getsharepointactivityfilecounts.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getsharepointactivityusercounts.
- [Read pages] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getsharepointactivitypages.
- User Principal Name
Template: ShortText.
- Is Deleted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Deleted Date
Template: DateTime.
- Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Viewed Or Edited File Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Synced File Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Shared Internally File Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Shared Externally File Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Visited Page Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Assigned Products
Data type: DT_I4
- Viewed Or Edited
Data type: DT_I4
- Synced
Data type: DT_I4
- Shared Internally
Data type: DT_I4
- Shared Externally
Data type: DT_I4
- Visited Page
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getsharepointsiteusagedetail.
- [Read file] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getsharepointsiteusagefilecounts.
- [Read site] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getsharepointsiteusagesitecounts.
- [Read storage] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getsharepointsiteusagestorage.
- [Read pages] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getsharepointsiteusagepages.
- Site Id
Template: ShortText.
- Site URL
Template: ShortText.
- Owner Display Name
Template: ShortText.
- Is Deleted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- File Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Active File Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Page View Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Visited Page Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Storage Used (Byte)
Data type: DT_I4
- Storage Allocated (Byte)
Data type: DT_I4
- Root Web Template
Template: ShortText.
- Owner Principal Name
Template: ShortText.
- Site Type
Template: ShortText.
- Total
Data type: DT_I4
- Active
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getskypeforbusinessactivityuserdetail.
- [Read activity] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getskypeforbusinessactivitycounts.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getskypeforbusinessactivityusercounts.
- User Principal Name
Template: ShortText.
- Is Deleted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Deleted Date
Template: DateTime.
- Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Total Peer-to-peer Session Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Total Organized Conference Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Total Participated Conference Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Peer-to-peer Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Organized Conference Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Participated Conference Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Peer-to-peer IM Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Peer-to-peer Audio Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Peer-to-peer Audio Minutes
Data type: DT_I4
- Peer-to-peer Video Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Peer-to-peer Video Minutes
Data type: DT_I4
- Peer-to-peer App Sharing Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Peer-to-peer File Transfer Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Organized Conference IM Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Organized Conference Audio/Video Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Organized Conference Audio/Video Minutes
Data type: DT_I4
- Organized Conference App Sharing Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Organized Conference Web Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Organized Conference Dial-in/out 3rd Party Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Organized Conference Dial-in/out Microsoft Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Organized Conference Dial-in Microsoft Minutes
Data type: DT_I4
- Organized Conference Dial-out Microsoft Minutes
Data type: DT_I4
- Paricipated Conference IM Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Participated Conference Audio/Video Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Participated Conference Audio/Video Minutes
Data type: DT_I4
- Participated Conference App Sharing Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Participated Conference Web Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Participated Conference Dial-in/out 3rd Party Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Assigned Products
Data type: DT_I4
- Peer-to-peer
Data type: DT_I4
- Organized
Data type: DT_I4
- Participated
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getskypeforbusinessdeviceusageuserdetail.
- [Read distribution] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getskypeforbusinessdeviceusagedistributionusercounts.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getskypeforbusinessdeviceusageusercounts.
- User Principal Name
Template: ShortText.
- Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Used Windows
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Used Windows Phone
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Used Android Phone
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Used iPhone
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Used iPad
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Windows
Data type: DT_I4
- Windows Phone
Data type: DT_I4
- Android Phone
Data type: DT_I4
- iPhone
Data type: DT_I4
- iPad
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getskypeforbusinessorganizeractivitycounts.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getskypeforbusinessorganizeractivityusercounts.
- [Read minute] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getskypeforbusinessorganizeractivityminutecounts.
- IM
Data type: DT_I4
- Audio/Video
Data type: DT_I4
- App Sharing
Data type: DT_I4
- Web
Data type: DT_I4
- Dial-in/out 3rd Party
Data type: DT_I4
- Dial-in/out Microsoft
Data type: DT_I4
- Dial-in Microsoft
Data type: DT_I4
- Dial-out Microsoft
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getskypeforbusinessparticipantactivitycounts.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getskypeforbusinessparticipantactivityusercounts.
- [Read minute] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getskypeforbusinessparticipantactivityminutecounts.
- IM
Data type: DT_I4
- Audio/Video
Data type: DT_I4
- App Sharing
Data type: DT_I4
- Web
Data type: DT_I4
- Dial-in/out 3rd Party
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getskypeforbusinesspeertopeeractivitycounts.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getskypeforbusinesspeertopeeractivityusercounts.
- [Read minute] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getskypeforbusinesspeertopeeractivityminutecounts.
- IM
Data type: DT_I4
- Audio
Data type: DT_I4
- Video
Data type: DT_I4
- App Sharing
Data type: DT_I4
- File Transfer
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getyammeractivityuserdetail.
- [Read activity] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getyammeractivitycounts.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getyammeractivityusercounts.
- User Principal Name
Template: ShortText.
- Display Name
Template: ShortText.
- User State
Template: ShortText.
- State Change Date
Template: DateTime.
- Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Posted Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Read Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Liked Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Assigned Products
Data type: DT_I4
- Liked
Data type: DT_I4
- Posted
Data type: DT_I4
- Read
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getyammerdeviceusageuserdetail.
- [Read distribution] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getyammerdeviceusagedistributionusercounts.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getyammerdeviceusageusercounts.
- User Principal Name
Template: ShortText.
- Display Name
Template: ShortText.
- User State
Template: ShortText.
- State Change Date
Template: DateTime.
- Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Used Web
Data type: DT_I4
- Used Windows Phone
Data type: DT_I4
- Used Android Phone
Data type: DT_I4
- Used iPhone
Data type: DT_I4
- Used iPad
Data type: DT_I4
- Used Others
Data type: DT_I4
- Web
Data type: DT_I4
- Windows Phone
Data type: DT_I4
- Android Phone
Data type: DT_I4
- iPhone
Data type: DT_I4
- iPad
Data type: DT_I4
- Other
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template Report.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getyammergroupsactivitydetail.
- [Read group] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getyammergroupsactivitygroupcounts.
- [Read activity] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/reportroot-getyammergroupsactivitycounts.
- Group Display Name
Template: ShortText.
- Is Deleted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Owner Principal Name
Template: ShortText.
- Last Activity Date
Template: DateTime.
- Group Type
Template: ShortText.
- Office 365 Connected
Data type: DT_BOOL
- Member Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Posted Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Read Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Liked Count
Data type: DT_I4
- Total
Data type: DT_I4
- Active
Data type: DT_I4
- Liked
Data type: DT_I4
- Posted
Data type: DT_I4
- Read
Data type: DT_I4
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.value[0].hitsContainers[0].hits}}
The action uses POST method.
The result is paginated.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- entity: Required. Specify entity type.
- query: Required. Specify query terms.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{={ requests: [{ from: parameters.iterator, size: parameters.batchSize, entityTypes: [parameters.entity], query: { queryString: parameters.query } }] } }}
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/search-query.
- hitId
Template: ShortText.
- rank
Data type: DT_I4
- summary
Template: ShortText.
- contentSource
Template: ShortText.
- [External]
The external fields list is extracted from:
{{=[{ name: 'resource', template: Graph.getQueryResourceTemplate(parameters.entity) }]}}
.- {{=external.name}}
Template: {{=external.template}}.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/alert-list.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/alert-update.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- activityGroupName
Template: ShortText. A read-only field.
- assignedTo
Template: ShortText.
- azureSubscriptionId
Template: ShortText. A read-only field.
- azureTenantId
Template: ShortText. A read-only field.
- category
Template: ShortText. A read-only field.
- closedDateTime
Template: DateTime.
- cloudAppStates
A read-only field. Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: destinationServiceIp, destinationServiceName, riskScore.
- comments
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- confidence
Data type: DT_I4 A read-only field.
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- description
Template: ShortText.
- detectionIds
Template: LongText. A read-only field. A composite field.
- eventDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- feedback
Template: ShortText.
- fileStates
A read-only field. Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: fileHash, name, path, riskScore.
- hostStates
A read-only field. Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: fqdn, isAzureAadJoined, isAzureAadRegistered, isHybridAzureDomainJoined, netBiosName, os, privateIpAddress, publicIpAddress, riskScore.
- incidentIds
Template: LongText. A read-only field. A composite field.
- lastModifiedDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- malwareStates
A read-only field. Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: category, family, name, severity, wasRunning.
- networkConnections
A read-only field. Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: applicationName, destinationAddress, destinationDomain, destinationLocation, destinationPort, destinationUrl, direction, domainRegisteredDateTime, localDnsName, natDestinationAddress, natDestinationPort, natSourceAddress, natSourcePort, protocol, riskScore, sourceAddress, sourceLocation, sourcePort, status, urlParameters.
- processes
A read-only field. Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: accountName, commandLine, createdDateTime, fileHash, integrityLevel, isElevated, name, parentProcessCreatedDateTime, parentProcessId, parentProcessName, path, processId.
- recommendedActions
Template: LongText. A read-only field. A composite field.
- registryKeyStates
A read-only field. Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: hive, key, oldKey, oldValueData, oldValueName, operation, processId, valueData, valueName, valueType.
- securityResources
A read-only field. Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: resource, resourceType.
- severity
Template: ShortText. A read-only field.
- sourceMaterials
Template: LongText. A read-only field. A composite field.
- status
Template: ShortText.
- tags
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- title
Template: ShortText. A read-only field.
- triggers
A read-only field. Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: name, type, value.
- userStates
A read-only field. Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: aadUserId, accountName, domainName, emailRole, isVpn, logonDateTime, logonId, logonIp, logonLocation, logonType, onPremisesSecurityIdentifier, riskScore, userAccountType, userPrincipalName.
- vendorInformation
Template: VendorInformation.
- vulnerabilityStates
A read-only field. Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: cve, severity, wasRunning.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/informationprotection-list-threatassessmentrequests.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/informationprotection-post-threatassessmentrequests.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- @odata.type
Template: ShortText.
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- contentType
Template: ShortText.
- expectedAssessment
Template: ShortText.
- category
Template: ShortText.
- status
Template: ShortText.
- requestSource
Template: ShortText.
- recipientEmail
Template: ShortText.
- destinationRoutingReason
Template: ShortText.
- fileName
Template: ShortText.
- contentData
Data type: DT_IMAGE
- url
Template: ShortText.
- messageUri
Template: ShortText.
- createdBy
Template: IdentitySet. A read-only field.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/security-list-securescores.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- azureTenantId
Template: ShortText.
- activeUserCount
Data type: DT_I4
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime.
- currentScore
Data type: DT_R8
- enabledServices
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- licensedUserCount
Data type: DT_I4
- maxScore
Data type: DT_R8
- averageComparativeScores
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: basis, averageScore.
- controlScores
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: controlCategory, controlName, description, score.
- vendorInformation
Template: VendorInformation.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/security-list-securescorecontrolprofiles.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/securescorecontrolprofile-update.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- azureTenantId
Template: ShortText.
- actionType
Template: ShortText.
- actionUrl
Template: ShortText.
- controlCategory
Template: ShortText.
- title
Template: ShortText.
- deprecated
Data type: DT_BOOL
- implementationCost
Template: ShortText.
- lastModifiedDateTime
Template: DateTime.
- maxScore
Data type: DT_R8
- rank
Data type: DT_I4
- remediation
Template: ShortText.
- remediationImpact
Template: ShortText.
- service
Template: ShortText.
- threats
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- tier
Template: ShortText.
- userImpact
Template: ShortText.
- complianceInformation
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: certificationName, certificationControls.
- controlStateUpdates
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: assignedTo, comment, state, updatedBy, updatedDateTime.
- vendorInformation
Template: VendorInformation.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- group_id: Required. Specify group identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/plannergroup-list-plans.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/planner-post-plans.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- createdBy
Template: IdentitySet. A read-only field.
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- owner
Template: ShortText.
- title
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- plan_id: Required. Specify plan identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/plannerplan-list-tasks.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/planneruser-list-tasks.
- [Read bucket] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- bucket_id: Required. Specify bucket identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/plannerbucket-list-tasks.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/planner-post-tasks.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/plannertask-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/plannertask-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- activeChecklistItemCount
Data type: DT_I4
- appliedCategories
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- assigneePriority
Template: ShortText.
- assignments
The gathered value is processed with
{{=_.map(value, function(v, k) { return _.extend({ id: k }, v); })}}
expression. Before setting, the value is processed with{{=_.map(value, function(item) { var result = {}; result[item.id] = item; return result; })}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, assignedBy, assignedDateTime, orderHint.
- bucketId
Template: ShortText.
- checklistItemCount
Data type: DT_I4
- completedBy
Template: IdentitySet.
- completedDateTime
Template: DateTime.
- conversationThreadId
Template: ShortText.
- createdBy
Template: IdentitySet. A read-only field.
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime.
- dueDateTime
Template: DateTime.
- hasDescription
Data type: DT_BOOL
- orderHint
Template: ShortText.
- percentComplete
Data type: DT_I4
- planId
Template: ShortText.
- previewType
Template: ShortText.
- referenceCount
Data type: DT_I4
- startDateTime
Template: DateTime.
- title
Template: ShortText.
- details
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response[field.name]}}
expression. The value is sent to/planner/tasks/{{=item.id}}/details
address. Field components:-
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: checklist, description, previewType, references.
Uses template:
Based on resource template Base.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/planner-post-buckets.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/plannerbucket-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/plannerbucket-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- orderHint
Template: ShortText.
- planId
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=_.filter(response.value, function(item) { return _.contains(item.resourceProvisioningOptions, 'Team'); })}}
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/teams-list-all-teams.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-list-joinedteams.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/team-post.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/team-update.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- description
Template: ShortText.
- classification
Template: ShortText.
- specialization
Template: ShortText.
- visibility
Template: ShortText.
- funSettings
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: allowGiphy, giphyContentRating, allowStickersAndMemes, allowCustomMemes.
Uses template:
- guestSettings
Field components:
- Contains the following components: allowCreateUpdateChannels, allowDeleteChannels.
- internalId
Template: ShortText.
- isArchived
Data type: DT_BOOL
- memberSettings
Field components:
- Contains the following components: allowCreatePrivateChannels, allowCreateUpdateChannels, allowDeleteChannels, allowAddRemoveApps, allowCreateUpdateRemoveTabs, allowCreateUpdateRemoveConnectors.
- messagingSettings
Field components:
- Contains the following components: allowUserEditMessages, allowUserDeleteMessages, allowOwnerDeleteMessages, allowTeamMentions, allowChannelMentions.
- webUrl
Template: ShortText. A read-only field.
- discoverySettings
Field components:
- Contains the following components: showInTeamsSearchAndSuggestions.
- members
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- channels
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- team_id: Required. Specify team identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/team-list-members.
- [Read group] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- group_id: Required. Specify group identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/group-list-members.
- [Read channel] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- team_id: Required. Specify team identifier.
- channel_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/channel-list-members.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/team-post-members.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/team-update-members.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/team-delete-members.
The resource includes the fields from the Member template.
- entity
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- entity_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- team_id: Required. Specify team identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/channel-list.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/channel-post.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/channel-patch.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/channel-delete.
The resource includes the fields from the Channel template.
- team_id
Template: ShortText.
- filesFolder
Template: DriveItemT. The value is gathered from
address.- messages
The value is gathered from
address. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- team_id: Required. Specify team identifier.
- channel_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/channel-list-messages.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/chatmessage-update.
The resource includes the fields from the ChatMessage template.
- team_id
Template: ShortText.
- channel_id
Template: ShortText.
- replies
The value is gathered from
address. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/appcatalogs-list-teamsapps.
- [Read team] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- team_id: Required. Specify team identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/team-list-installedapps.
- [Read user] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/userteamwork-list-installedapps.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/teamsapp-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/teamsapp-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- externalId
Template: ShortText.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- distributionMethod
Template: ShortText.
- package
Data type: DT_IMAGE
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- team_id: Required. Specify team identifier.
- channel_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/channel-list-tabs.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/channel-post-tabs.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/channel-patch-tabs.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/channel-delete-tabs.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- configuration
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: entityId, contentUrl, websiteUrl, removeUrl.
Uses template:
- sortOrderIndex
Template: ShortText.
- teamsApp
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, displayName, distributionMethod.
Uses template:
- webUrl
Template: ShortText.
- team_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- channel_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- team_id: Required. Specify team identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/schedule-list-shifts.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/schedule-post-shifts.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/shift-put.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/shift-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- lastModifiedDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- userId
Template: ShortText.
- schedulingGroupId
Template: ShortText.
- lastModifiedBy
Template: IdentitySet.
- sharedShift
Template: ShiftItem.
- draftShift
Template: ShiftItem.
- team_id
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- team_id: Required. Specify team identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/schedule-list-schedulinggroups.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/schedule-post-schedulinggroups.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/schedulinggroup-put.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/schedulinggroup-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime.
- lastModifiedDateTime
Template: DateTime.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- isActive
Data type: DT_BOOL
- userIds
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- lastModifiedBy
Template: IdentitySet.
- team_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- team_id: Required. Specify team identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/offershiftrequest-list.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/offershiftrequest-post.
- recipientActionDateTime
Template: ShortText.
- recipientActionMessage
Template: ShortText.
- recipientUserId
Template: ShortText.
- senderShiftId
Template: ShortText.
- team_id
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- team_id: Required. Specify team identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/openshift-list.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/openshift-post.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/openshift-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/openshift-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- schedulingGroupId
Template: ShortText.
- draftOpenShift
Template: ShiftItem. Field components:
- Contains the following components: openSlotCount.
- sharedOpenShift
Template: ShiftItem. Field components:
- Contains the following components: openSlotCount.
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- lastModifiedDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- lastModifiedBy
Template: IdentitySet.
- team_id
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- team_id: Required. Specify team identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/openshiftchangerequest-list.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/openshiftchangerequest-post.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- openShiftId
Template: ShortText.
- assignedTo
Template: ShortText.
- state
Template: ShortText.
- senderUserId
Template: ShortText.
- senderDateTime
Template: DateTime.
- senderMessage
Template: ShortText.
- managerUserId
Template: ShortText.
- managerActionDateTime
Template: DateTime.
- managerActionMessage
Template: ShortText.
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- lastModifiedDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- lastModifiedBy
Template: IdentitySet. A read-only field.
- team_id
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- team_id: Required. Specify team identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/swapshiftschangerequest-list.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/swapshiftschangerequest-post.
- id
Template: ShortText.
- senderShiftId
Template: ShortText.
- recipientShiftId
Template: ShortText.
- assignedTo
Template: ShortText.
- state
Template: ShortText.
- senderUserId
Template: ShortText.
- senderDateTime
Template: DateTime.
- senderMessage
Template: ShortText.
- recipientUserId
Template: ShortText.
- recipientActionDateTime
Template: DateTime.
- recipientActionMessage
Template: ShortText.
- managerUserId
Template: ShortText.
- managerActionDateTime
Template: DateTime.
- managerActionMessage
Template: ShortText.
- team_id
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- team_id: Required. Specify team identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/schedule-list-timesoff.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/schedule-post-timesoff.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/timeoff-put.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/timeoff-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- userId
Template: ShortText.
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- lastModifiedDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- lastModifiedBy
Template: IdentitySet. A read-only field.
- sharedTimeOff
Template: TimeOffItem.
- draftTimeOff
Template: TimeOffItem.
- team_id
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- team_id: Required. Specify team identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/schedule-list-timeoffreasons.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/schedule-post-timeoffreasons.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/timeoffreason-put.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/timeoffreason-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- iconType
Template: ShortText.
- isActive
Data type: DT_BOOL
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- lastModifiedDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- lastModifiedBy
Template: IdentitySet.
- team_id
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/workforceintegration-list.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/workforceintegration-post.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/workforceintegration-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/workforceintegration-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- apiVersion
Data type: DT_I4
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- encryption
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: protocol, secret.
Uses template:
- isActive
Data type: DT_BOOL
- supportedEntities
Template: ShortText.
- url
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier - id or userPrincipalName.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/todo-list-lists.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/todo-post-lists.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/todotasklist-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/todotasklist-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- isOwner
Data type: DT_BOOL
- isShared
Data type: DT_BOOL
- wellknownListName
Template: ShortText.
- user_id
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier - id or userPrincipalName.
- tasklist_id: Required. Specify task list identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/todotasklist-list-tasks.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/todotasklist-post-tasks.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/todotask-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/todotask-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- body
Template: Body.
- completedDateTime
Template: DateTimeTimeZone.
- dueDateTime
Template: DateTimeTimeZone.
- importance
Template: ShortText.
- isReminderOn
Data type: DT_BOOL
- recurrence
Field components:
- Contains the following components: pattern, range.
- reminderDateTime
Template: DateTimeTimeZone.
- status
Template: ShortText.
- title
Template: ShortText.
- createdDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- lastModifiedDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- bodyLastModifiedDateTime
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- linkedResources
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- user_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- tasklist_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- user_id: Required. Specify user identifier - id or userPrincipalName.
- tasklist_id: Required. Specify task list identifier.
- task_id: Required. Specify task identifier.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/todotask-list-linkedresources.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/todotask-post-linkedresources.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/linkedresource-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/linkedresource-delete.
The resource includes the fields from the LinkedResource template.
- user_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- tasklist_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- task_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- workbook_path: Required. Specify workbook path, including extension.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/workbook-list-worksheets.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/worksheetcollection-add.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(item.workbook_path, item.id)}}
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/worksheet-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(item.workbook_path, item.id)}}
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/excel#delete-a-worksheet.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- position
Data type: DT_I4 A read-only field.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- visibility
Template: ShortText. A read-only field.
- workbook_path
Template: ShortText.
- usedRange
Template: Range. A read-only field. The value is gathered from
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(parameters.workbook_path, item.id)}}/usedRange
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- workbook_path: Required. Specify workbook path, including extension.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/workbook-list-comments.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- content
Template: ShortText.
- contentType
Template: ShortText.
- replies
The value is gathered from
address. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, content, contentType.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(parameters.workbook_path, parameters.sheet_id)}}/tables
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- workbook_path: Required. Specify workbook path, including extension.
- sheet_id: Required. Specify sheet id or name.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/worksheet-list-tables.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(item.workbook_path, item.sheet_id)}}/tables/add
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/worksheet-post-tables.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(item.workbook_path, item.sheet_id)}}/tables/{{=item.id}}
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/table-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(item.workbook_path, item.sheet_id)}}/tables/{{=item.id}}/delete
The action uses POST method.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/table-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- highlightFirstColumn
Data type: DT_BOOL
- highlightLastColumn
Data type: DT_BOOL
- name
Template: ShortText.
- showBandedColumns
Data type: DT_BOOL
- showBandedRows
Data type: DT_BOOL
- showFilterButton
Data type: DT_BOOL
- showHeaders
Data type: DT_BOOL
- showTotals
Data type: DT_BOOL
- style
Template: ShortText.
- legacyId
Template: ShortText.
- workbook_path
Template: ShortText.
- sheet_id
Template: ShortText.
- range
Template: Range. The value is gathered from
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(parameters.workbook_path, parameters.sheet_id)}}/tables/{{=item.id}}/range
address.- image
Data type: DT_IMAGE The value is gathered from
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(parameters.workbook_path, parameters.sheet_id)}}/charts/{{=item.name}}/image
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.value}}
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(parameters.workbook_path, parameters.sheet_id)}}/charts
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- workbook_path: Required. Specify workbook path, including extension.
- sheet_id: Required. Specify sheet id or name.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/worksheet-list-charts.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(item.workbook_path, item.sheet_id)}}/charts
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/worksheet-post-charts.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(item.workbook_path, item.sheet_id)}}/charts/{{=item.name}}
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/chart-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(item.workbook_path, item.sheet_id)}}/charts/{{=item.name}}/delete
The action uses POST method.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/chart-delete.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- height
Data type: DT_I4
- left
Data type: DT_I4
- name
Template: ShortText.
- top
Data type: DT_I4
- width
Data type: DT_I4
- workbook_path
Template: ShortText.
- sheet_id
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(parameters.workbook_path, parameters.sheet_id)}}/tables/{{=parameters.table_id}}/rows
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- workbook_path: Required. Specify workbook path, including extension.
- sheet_id: Required. Specify sheet id or name.
- table_id: Required. Specify table id or name.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/table-list-rows.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(item.workbook_path, item.sheet_id)}}/tables/{{=item.table_id}}/rows/add
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/table-post-rows.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(item.workbook_path, item.sheet_id)}}/tables/{{=item.table_id}}/rows/{{=item.index}}
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/tablerow-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(item.workbook_path, item.sheet_id)}}/tables/{{=item.table_id}}/rows/{{=item.index}}/delete
The action uses POST method.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/tablerow-delete.
- index
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- values
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- workbook_path
Template: ShortText.
- sheet_id
Template: ShortText.
- table_id
Template: ShortText.
- range
Template: Range. The value is gathered from
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(parameters.workbook_path, parameters.sheet_id)}}/tables/{{=parameters.table_id}}/rows/{{=item.index}}/range
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(parameters.workbook_path, parameters.sheet_id)}}/tables/{{=parameters.table_id}}/columns
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- workbook_path: Required. Specify workbook path, including extension.
- sheet_id: Required. Specify sheet id or name.
- table_id: Required. Specify table id or name.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/table-list-columns.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(item.workbook_path, item.sheet_id)}}/tables/{{=item.table_id}}/columns
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/table-post-columns.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(item.workbook_path, item.sheet_id)}}/tables/{{=item.table_id}}/columns/{{=item.id}}
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/tablecolumn-update.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(item.workbook_path, item.sheet_id)}}/tables/{{=item.table_id}}/columns/{{=item.id}}/delete
The action uses POST method.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/tablecolumn-delete.
- id
Template: ShortText.
- index
Data type: DT_I4
- name
Template: ShortText.
- values
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- workbook_path
Template: ShortText.
- sheet_id
Template: ShortText.
- table_id
Template: ShortText.
- dataBodyRange
Template: Range. The value is gathered from
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(parameters.workbook_path, parameters.sheet_id)}}/tables/{{=parameters.table_id}}/columns/{{=item.id}}/dataBodyRange
address.- headerRowRange
Template: Range. The value is gathered from
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(parameters.workbook_path, parameters.sheet_id)}}/tables/{{=parameters.table_id}}/columns/{{=item.id}}/headerRowRange
address.- range
Template: Range. The value is gathered from
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(parameters.workbook_path, parameters.sheet_id)}}/tables/{{=parameters.table_id}}/columns/{{=item.id}}/range
address.- totalRowRange
Template: Range. The value is gathered from
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(parameters.workbook_path, parameters.sheet_id)}}/tables/{{=parameters.table_id}}/columns/{{=item.id}}/totalRowRange
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- workbook_path: Required. Specify workbook path, including extension.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/nameditem-list.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/nameditem-add.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/nameditem-update.
- name
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- comment
Template: ShortText.
- scope
Template: ShortText.
- type
Template: ShortText.
- value
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- visible
Data type: DT_BOOL
- workbook_path
Template: ShortText.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetUrl(parameters.workbook_path, parameters.sheet_id) + Graph.Workbook.getRangeFragment(parameters.get('range'))}}
The result is extracted from:{{=Graph.Workbook.getSheetData(parameters, response)}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- workbook_path: Required. Specify workbook path, including extension.
- sheet_id: Required. Specify sheet id or name.
- range: Specify range in A1-style notation. If not specified, the used range will be used.
- firstRowColumnNames: Specifies if first range row contains column names.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/range-get.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=Graph.Workbook.insertSheetData(parameters, batch)}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- workbook_path: Required. Specify workbook path, including extension.
- sheet_id: Required. Specify sheet id or name.
- range: Required. Specify range in A1-style notation.
- firstRowColumnNames: Specifies if first range row contains column names.
- append: Specifies if input data is appended. Default is true.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/range-insert.
- [External]
The external fields list is extracted from:
.- {{=external.name}}
Data type: {{=external.type}} ( length {{=external.length}} )
- [Read] action
The result is extracted from:{{=response.value}}
The result is paginated.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=_.filter(parameters.fields, function(item) { return item.indexOf('.') == -1; }).join()}}
odata.include-annotations="OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue", odata.maxpagesize={{=parameters.batchSize}}
- [Create] action
The action uses POST method.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
- [Update] action
The action uses PATCH method.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
- [Delete] action
The action uses DELETE method.
- [Read] action
The result is extracted from:{{=Graph.getResultFromCSV(response)}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- periodDate: Required. Specify period or date parameter.
- Report Refresh Date
Template: DateTime.
- Report Period
Template: ShortText.
- Report Date
Template: DateTime.
- ShortText
Data type: DT_WSTR ( length 255 )
- LongText
Data type: DT_WSTR ( length 1000 )
- DateTime
- Number
Data type: DT_R8
- Ref
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, name.
Uses template:
- Identity
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, displayName, thumbnails.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/identity.
Uses template:
- IdentitySet
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: user, device, application, group, conversation.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/identityset.
Uses template:
- SharepointIds
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: listId, listItemId, listItemUniqueId, siteId, siteUrl, tenantId, webId.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/sharepointids.
Uses template:
- ItemReference
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: driveId, driveType, id, name, path, shareId, sharepointIds.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/itemreference.
Uses template:
- File
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: mimeType, hashes.
Uses template:
- FileSystemInfo
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: createdDateTime, lastAccessedDateTime, lastModifiedDateTime.
Uses template:
- Thumbnail
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: width, height, url.
Uses template:
- Folder
Field components:
- Contains the following components: childCount, view.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/folder.
- GeoCoordinates
Field components:
- Contains the following components: altitude, latitude, longitude.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/geocoordinates.
- Photo
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: cameraMake, cameraModel, exposureDenominator, exposureNumerator, fNumber, focalLength, iso, orientation, takenDateTime.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/photo.
Uses template:
- Video
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: audioBitsPerSample, audioChannels, audioFormat, audioSamplesPerSecond, bitrate, duration, fourCC, frameRate, height, width.
Uses template:
- Audio
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: album, albumArtist, artist, bitrate, composers, copyright, disc, discCount, duration, genre, hasDrm, isVariableBitrate, title, track, trackCount, year.
Uses template:
- Analytics
Field components:
- Contains the following components: allTime, lastSevenDays.
- PhysicalAddress
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: city, countryOrRegion, postalCode, state, street.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/physicaladdress.
Uses template:
- Location
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: address, coordinates, displayName, locationEmailAddress, locationUri, locationType, uniqueId, uniqueIdType.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/location.
Uses template:
- EmailAddress
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: name, address.
Uses template:
- Attachment
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, contentType, contentLocation, contentBytes, contentId, isInline, lastModifiedDateTime, name, size.
Uses template:
- Body
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: contentType, content.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/itembody.
Uses template:
- DateTimeTimeZone
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: dateTime, timeZone.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/datetimetimezone.
Uses template:
- OneNoteLink
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: oneNoteClientUrl, oneNoteWebUrl.
Uses template:
- SiteT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, name, description, createdDateTime, lastModifiedDateTime, webUrl.
Uses template:
- SiteListT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, name, createdDateTime, lastModifiedDateTime, list, columns.
Uses template:
- SiteListItemT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, contentType, createdBy, createdDateTime, eTag, lastModifiedBy, lastModifiedDateTime, parentReference, webUrl.
Uses template:
- MessageT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, bccRecipients, body, bodyPreview, categories, ccRecipients, changeKey, conversationId, conversationIndex, createdDateTime, flag, from, hasAttachments, importance, inferenceClassification, internetMessageHeaders, internetMessageId, isDeliveryReceiptRequested, isDraft, isRead, isReadReceiptRequested, lastModifiedDateTime, parentFolderId, receivedDateTime, replyTo, sender, sentDateTime, subject, toRecipients, uniqueBody, webLink, extensions, multiValueExtendedProperties, singleValueExtendedProperties.
Uses template:
- EventT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, subject, bodyPreview, body, start, end, location, locations, attendees, organizer, allowNewTimeProposals, transactionId, isOnlineMeeting, onlineMeetingProvider.
Uses template:
- DriveT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, driveType, owner, quota, createdBy, createdDateTime, description, following, items, lastModifiedBy, lastModifiedDateTime, name, root, sharepointIds, special, system, webUrl.
Uses template:
- DriveItemT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, audio, createdBy, createdDateTime, cTag, deleted, description, eTag, file, fileSystemInfo, folder, image, lastModifiedBy, lastModifiedDateTime, location, name, package, parentReference, pendingOperations, photo, publication, remoteItem, searchResult, shared, sharepointIds, size, specialFolder, video, webDavUrl, webUrl.
Uses template:
- VendorInformation
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: provider, providerVersion, subProvider, vendor.
Uses template:
- Member
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, roles, displayName, userId, email, user@odata.bind.
Uses template:
- Channel
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, description, displayName, isFavoriteByDefault, email, webUrl, membershipType, createdDateTime, tabs.
Uses template:
- ChatMessage
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, replyToId, etag, messageType, createdDateTime, lastModifiedDateTime, lastEditedDateTime, deletedDateTime, subject, summary, importance, locale, policyViolation, from, body, attachments, mentions, reactions.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/chatmessage.
Uses template:
- ShiftItem
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: displayName, notes, startDateTime, endDateTime, theme, activities.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/shiftitem.
Uses template:
- TimeOffItem
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: timeOffReasonId, startDateTime, endDateTime, theme.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/timeoffitem.
Uses template:
- LinkedResource
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, applicationName, displayName, externalId, webUrl.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/linkedresource.
Uses template:
- Range
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: address, addressLocal, cellCount, columnCount, columnHidden, columnIndex, formulas, formulasLocal, formulasR1C1, hidden, numberFormat, rowCount, rowHidden, rowIndex, text, valueTypes, values.
Uses template:
- Language
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: locale, displayName.
Uses template:
- CalendarT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, @odata.id, name, color, changeKey, canShare, canViewPrivateItems, hexColor, canEdit, allowedOnlineMeetingProviders, defaultOnlineMeetingProvider, isTallyingResponses, isRemovable, owner.
Uses template:
- ContactT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, assistantName, birthday, businessAddress, businessHomePage, businessPhones, categories, changeKey, children, companyName, createdDateTime, department, displayName, emailAddresses, fileAs, generation, givenName, homeAddress, homePhones, imAddresses, initials, jobTitle, lastModifiedDateTime, manager, middleName, mobilePhone, nickName, officeLocation, otherAddress, parentFolderId, personalNotes, profession, spouseName, surname, title, yomiCompanyName, yomiGivenName, yomiSurname, photo.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/contact.
Uses template:
- InsightsResourceReference
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, webUrl, type.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/insights-resourcereference.
Uses template:
- AppRoleAssignment
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, creationTimestamp, principalDisplayName, principalId, principalType, resourceDisplayName, resourceId, appRoleId.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/approleassignment.
Uses template:
Knowledge Base
- Where can I find the documentation for the Microsoft Graph Connection?
- Resource not found Error or Scope is not valid while Generating the OAUTH Token for COZYROC Graph, Dataverse or Exchange Online connectors
- How to Register your app on Azure Portal Quick Start
- How to Retrieve SharePoint Site and Subsite GUID
- How to Upload and Download Files in Microsoft Teams Using COZYROC File Transfer Task and Graph Connection
Related scripts
What's New
- New: Defined 'Communication | Call' resource.
- New: Defined 'Communication | Direct Routing Call' resource.
- New: Defined 'Communication | PSTN Call' resource.
- New: Improved handling of SharePoint list lookup fields (Thank you, Eric).
- New: Included definitions to retrieve
in Site/User/Group resources (Thank you, Drew). - New: Support for delta endpoint in Message resource.
- Breaking Change: Modified 'Site | List Item' resource to configure more user-friendly column names.
- New: Introduced connection.
Related documentation
COZYROC SSIS+ Components Suite is free for testing in your development environment.
A licensed version can be deployed on-premises, on Azure-SSIS IR and on COZYROC Cloud.