Configuration is provided for establishing connections with BigCommerce service. The configuration is used in the REST Connection Manager.
Press icon to get more information about the connection parameters.
Obtain data
Use REST Source component to get data from the service resource.
Insert data
Use REST Destination component to insert data into service resource.
Quick Start
In this task, we will show you step-by-step how to create a connection to BigCommerce REST API using COZYROC's REST Connection Manager.
Congratulations! You have now established a connection to your BigCommerce instance.
In this guide, we will show how to read data from the BigCommerce service resource using the COZYROC REST Source component.
In this guide, we will show how to write data to the BigCommerce service resource using the COZYROC REST Destination component.
Base URL address: https://api.bigcommerce.com/stores/[store_hash]
- OAuth
The authentication uses an authorized token.
The authentication has the following user-defined parameters:
- Scope: Required. Specify needed scopes.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed during the authentication process:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/docs/ZG9jOjEyNDcxODA-implementing-o-auth.
- API Account
The authentication uses a parameters-based authentication.
The authentication has the following user-defined parameters:
- client_id: Required. Specify client identifier.
- Token: Required. Specify access token.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed during the authentication process:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-docs/getting-started/authentication/rest-api-authentication.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQxOTg-get-a-cart.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MjMxMzQ3OA-create-a-cart.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQxOTk-update-customer-id.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQyMDA-delete-a-cart#request-headers.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- parent_id
Template: ShortText.
- customer_id
Data type: DT_I4
- channel_id
Data type: DT_I4
Template: ShortText.
- currency
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: code.
Uses template:
- tax_included
Data type: DT_BOOL
- base_amount
Data type: DT_I4
- discount_amount
Data type: DT_I4
- cart_amount
Data type: DT_I4
- coupons
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- discounts
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- created_time
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- line_items
Template: CartlineItemT.
- physical_items
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- digital_items
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- gift_certificates
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- custom_items
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- updated_time
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- locale
Template: ShortText.
- promotions
Field components:
- Contains the following components: banners.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQxOTQ-add-cart-line-items.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQxOTY-update-cart-line-item.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQxOTc-delete-cart-line-item.
- cartId
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- itemId
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- line_items
Template: CartlineItemT.
- physical_items
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- digital_items
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- gift_certificates
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- custom_items
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- token: Required. Specify token in the query string of the abandoned cart link.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQxMzc-get-an-abandoned-cart.
- cart_id
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6NDc1MTI1MDc-get-global-abandoned-cart-settings.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- channel_id: Required. Specify the channel identifier of the settings overrides.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6NDc1MTI1MDk-get-channel-abandoned-cart-settings.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- channel_id: Required. Specify the channel identifier of the settings overrides.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6NDc1MTI1MTA-update-channel-abandoned-cart-settings.
- enable_notification
Data type: DT_BOOL
- email_customer_until_cart_is_recovered
Data type: DT_BOOL
- marketing_emails_require_customer_consent
Data type: DT_BOOL
- email_merchant_when_cart_is_converted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- email_merchant_when_cart_is_abandoned
Data type: DT_BOOL
- merchant_email_address
Template: ShortText.
- merchant_abandoned_cart_email_frequency_type
Template: ShortText.
- merchant_abandoned_cart_digest_email_frequency
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNzA-get-all-brands.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- brand_id: Required. Specify brand identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNzM-get-a-brand.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNzE-create-a-brand.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNzQ-update-a-brand.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNzQ-update-a-brand.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- name
Template: ShortText.
- page_title
Template: ShortText.
- meta_keywords
Template: StringList.
- meta_description
Template: ShortText.
- image_url
Template: ShortText.
- image_file
Data type: DT_IMAGE The value is gathered from
address.- search_keywords
Template: ShortText.
- custom_url
Template: customUrlT.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzODE-create-a-brand-image.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzODI-delete-a-brand-image.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- content
Data type: DT_IMAGE
- filename
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- brand_id: Required. Specify brand identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNzY-get-all-brand-metafields.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- brand_id: Required. Specify brand identifier.
- metafield_id: Required. Specify metafield identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQyODg-get-a-product.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNzc-create-a-brand-metafield.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- brand_id: Required. Specify brand identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNzk-update-a-brand-metafield.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzODA-delete-a-brand-metafield.
The resource includes the fields from the metafieldT template.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNTk-get-all-categories.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- category_id: Required. Specify brand identifier.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6NDIxMTM2NjM-get-a-category.
- [Read tree] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- tree_id: Required. Specify parent id.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6NDgxNDA1MTI-get-a-category-tree.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNjA-create-a-category.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6NDIxMTM2NjQ-update-a-category.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6NDIxMTM2NjU-delete-a-category.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- parent_id
Data type: DT_I4
- name
Template: ShortText.
- description
Template: ShortText.
- views
Data type: DT_I4
- sort_order
Data type: DT_I4
- page_title
Template: ShortText.
- meta_keywords
Template: StringList.
- meta_description
Template: ShortText.
- layout_file
Template: ShortText.
- image_url
Template: ShortText.
- is_visible
Data type: DT_BOOL
- search_keywords
Template: ShortText.
- default_product_sort
Template: ShortText.
- url
Template: ShortText.
- custom_url
Template: customUrlT.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is paginated.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNjk-get-category-tree.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6NDgxNDA1MTE-delete-category-trees.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- name
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNjc-create-a-category-image.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNjg-delete-a-category-image.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- content
Data type: DT_IMAGE
- filename
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- category_id: Required. Specify category identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNjI-get-all-category-metafields.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- category_id: Required. Specify category identifier.
- metafield_id: Required. Specify metafield identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNjQ-get-a-category-metafield.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNjM-create-a-category-metafield.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- category_id: Required. Specify category identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNjU-update-a-category-metafield.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- category_id: Required. Specify category identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzODA-delete-a-brand-metafield.
The resource includes the fields from the metafieldT template.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQxOTg-get-a-cart.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQyODg-get-a-product.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQyODQ-get-all-products.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQyODk-update-a-product.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQyOTA-delete-a-product.
- id
Data type: DT_I4
- name
Template: ShortText.
- type
Template: ShortText.
- sku
Template: ShortText.
- description
Template: ShortText.
- weight
Data type: DT_I4
- width
Data type: DT_I4
- depth
Data type: DT_I4
- height
Data type: DT_I4
- price
Data type: DT_R8
- cost_price
Data type: DT_R8
- retail_price
Data type: DT_R8
- sale_price
Data type: DT_R8
- map_price
Data type: DT_R8
- tax_class_id
Data type: DT_I4
- product_tax_code
Template: ShortText.
- calculated_price
Data type: DT_R8
- categories
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- brand_id
Data type: DT_I4
- option_set_id
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- option_set_display
Template: ShortText.
- inventory_level
Data type: DT_I4
- inventory_warning_level
Data type: DT_I4
- inventory_tracking
Template: ShortText.
- reviews_rating_sum
Data type: DT_I4
- reviews_count
Data type: DT_I4
- total_sold
Data type: DT_I4
- fixed_cost_shipping_price
Data type: DT_R8
- is_free_shipping
Data type: DT_BOOL
- is_visible
Data type: DT_BOOL
- is_featured
Data type: DT_BOOL
- related_products
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- warranty
Template: ShortText.
- bin_picking_number
Template: ShortText.
- layout_file
Template: ShortText.
- upc
Template: ShortText.
- mpn
Template: ShortText.
- gtin
Template: ShortText.
- search_keywords
Template: ShortText.
- availability
Template: ShortText.
- availability_description
Template: ShortText.
- gift_wrapping_options_type
Template: ShortText.
- gift_wrapping_options_list
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- sort_order
Data type: DT_I4
- condition
Template: ShortText.
- is_condition_shown
Data type: DT_BOOL
- order_quantity_minimum
Data type: DT_I4
- order_quantity_maximum
Data type: DT_I4
- page_title
Template: ShortText.
- meta_keywords
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- meta_description
Template: ShortText.
- date_created
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- view_count
Data type: DT_I4
- preorder_release_date
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- preorder_message
Template: ShortText.
- is_preorder_only
Data type: DT_BOOL
- is_price_hidden
Data type: DT_BOOL
- price_hidden_label
Template: ShortText.
- custom_url
Template: customUrlT.
- base_variant_id
Data type: DT_I4
- open_graph_type
Template: ShortText.
- open_graph_title
Template: ShortText.
- open_graph_description
Template: ShortText.
- open_graph_use_meta_description
Data type: DT_BOOL
- open_graph_use_product_name
Data type: DT_BOOL
- open_graph_use_image
Data type: DT_BOOL
- videos
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- bulk_pricing_rules
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- images
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: product_id, url_zoom, url_standard, id, quantity_max, date_modified, url_thumbnail, url_tiny.
- custom_fields
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- variants
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- modifiers
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- reviews
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.data}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
- complex_rules
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.data}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNDQ-get-all-bulk-pricing-rules.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- bulk_pricing_rules: Required. Specify bulk-pricing-rules identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNDY-get-a-bulk-pricing-rule.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQyODQ-get-all-products.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNDc-update-a-bulk-pricing-rule.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNDg-delete-a-bulk-pricing-rule.
The resource includes the fields from the BulkPricingRuleT template.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMzQ-get-complex-rules.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- complex_rules: Required. Specify complex_rule identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNDY-get-a-bulk-pricing-rule.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMzU-create-a-complex-rule.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMzc-update-a-complex-rule.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMzg-delete-a-complex-rule.
The resource includes the fields from the complexRuleT template.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMzk-get-custom-fields.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- custom_fields: Required. Specify custom_fields identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNDE-get-a-custom-field.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNDA-create-a-custom-fields.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNDI-update-a-custom-field.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNDM-delete-a-custom-field.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- name
Template: ShortText.
- value
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQyOTE-get-all-product-images.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- image_id: Required. Specify image identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQyOTM-get-a-product-image.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQyOTI-create-a-product-image.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQyOTQ-update-a-product-image.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQyOTU-delete-a-product-image.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- product_id
Data type: DT_I4
- is_thumbnail
Data type: DT_BOOL
- sort_order
Data type: DT_I4
- description
Template: LongText.
- image_file
Data type: DT_IMAGE The value is gathered from
address.- url_zoom
Template: ShortText.
- url_standard
Template: ShortText.
- url_thumbnail
Template: ShortText.
- url_tiny
Template: ShortText.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNDk-get-all-product-metafields.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- metafield_id: Required. metafield image identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNTE-get-a-product-metafield.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNTA-create-a-product-metafield.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNTI-update-a-product-metafield.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNTM-delete-a-product-metafield.
The resource includes the fields from the metafieldT template.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMjI-get-all-product-modifiers.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- modifiers_id: Required. metafield modifier identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMjQ-get-a-modifier.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMjM-create-a-product-modifier.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMjU-update-a-modifier.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMjY-delete-a-modifier.
The resource includes the fields from the modifierT template.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- modifier_id: Required. Specify modifier identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMjI-get-all-product-modifiers.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- modifiers_id: Required. metafield modifier identifier.
- value_id: Required. Specify modifier identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMjQ-get-a-modifier.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- modifiers_id: Required. metafield modifier identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMjg-create-modifier-value.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- modifiers_id: Required. metafield modifier identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMzA-update-a-modifier-value.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- modifiers_id: Required. metafield modifier identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMzE-delete-modifier-value.
The resource includes the fields from the generalValueOptionT template.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- modifiers_id: Required. metafield modifier identifier.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMzI-create-modifier-image.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- modifiers_id: Required. metafield modifier identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMzE-delete-modifier-value.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- content
Data type: DT_IMAGE
- filename
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNTQ-get-product-reviews.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- review_id: Required. metafield review identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNTY-get-a-product-review.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNTU-create-a-product-review.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNTc-update-a-product-review.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzNTg-delete-a-product-review.
The resource includes the fields from the reviewT template.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMDE-get-all-product-variants.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- variant_id: Required. metafield variant identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMDM-get-a-product-variant.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMDI-create-a-product-variant.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMDQ-update-a-product-variant.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMDU-delete-a-product-variant.
The resource includes the fields from the variantT template.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- variant_id: Required. Specify variant identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMDY-get-all-product-variant-metafields.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- variant_id: Required. Specify variant identifier.
- metafield_id: Required. metafield variant identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMDg-get-a-product-variant-metafields.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- variant_id: Required. Specify variant identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMDc-create-a-product-variant-metafield.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- variant_id: Required. Specify variant identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMDQ-update-a-product-variant.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- variant_id: Required. Specify variant identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMDU-delete-a-product-variant.
The resource includes the fields from the metafieldT template.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMTI-get-all-product-variant-options.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- option_id: Required. Specify option identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMTQ-get-a-product-variant-option.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMTM-create-a-product-variant-option.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMTU-update-a-product-variant-option.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMTY-delete-a-product-variant-option.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- product_id
Data type: DT_I4
- name
Template: ShortText.
- display_name
Template: ShortText.
- type
Template: ShortText.
- sort_order
Data type: DT_I4
- config
Template: configT.
- option_values
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- option_id: Required. Specify option identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMTc-get-all-product-variant-option-values.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- option_id: Required. Specify option identifier.
- value_id: Required. Specify value identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMTk-get-a-product-variant-option-value.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMTg-create-a-product-variant-option-value.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMjA-update-a-product-variant-option-value.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMjE-delete-a-product-variant-option-value.
The resource includes the fields from the generalValueOptionT template.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQyOTY-get-all-product-videos.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
- video_id: Required. Specify video identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQyOTg-get-a-product-video.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQyOTc-create-a-product-video.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQyOTk-update-a-product-video.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- productId: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzMDA-delete-a-product-video.
The resource includes the fields from the videoT template.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzODU-get-a-catalog-summary.
- inventory_count
Data type: DT_I4
- variant_count
Data type: DT_I4
- inventory_value
Data type: DT_R8
- highest_variant_price
Data type: DT_R8
- average_variant_price
Data type: DT_R8
- lowest_variant_price
Data type: DT_I4
- oldest_variant_date
Data type: DT_DBDATE
- newest_variant_date
Data type: DT_DBDATE
- primary_category_id
Data type: DT_I4
- primary_category_name
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzODM-get-all-variants.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQzODQ-update-variants-batch.
The resource includes the fields from the variantT template.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0NDY-get-all-channels.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- channel_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0NDg-get-a-channel.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0NDc-create-a-channel.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0NDk-update-a-channel.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- icon_url
Template: ShortText.
- is_listable_from_ui
Data type: DT_BOOL
- is_visible
Data type: DT_BOOL
- date_created
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- external_id
Template: ShortText.
- config_meta
Field components:
- Contains the following components: app.
- type
Template: ShortText.
- platform
Template: ShortText.
- is_enabled
Data type: DT_BOOL
- date_modified
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- status
Template: ShortText.
- currencies
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: channel_id, enabled_currencies, default_currency.
Uses template:
- active_theme
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.data}}
expression. Field components:-
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: active_theme_uuid, active_theme_configuration_uuid, active_theme_version_uuid, saved_theme_configuration_uuid.
Uses template:
- listing
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.data}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
- currency_assignment
Template: currencyAssignmentT. The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.data}}
expression.- site
Template: siteT. The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.data}}
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0NTE-get-all-channels-currency-assignments.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- channel_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0NTQ-get-channel-currency-assignments.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- channel_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0NTU-create-channel-currency-assignments.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- channel_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0NTY-update-channel-currency-assignments.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- channel_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0NTc-delete-channel-currency-assignments.
The resource includes the fields from the currencyAssignmentT template.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- channel_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0NTg-get-channel-listings.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- channel_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
- listing_id: Required. Specify lisitng identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0NjE-get-a-channel-listing.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- channel_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0NTk-create-channel-listings.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- channel_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0NjA-update-channel-listings.
The resource includes the fields from the listingT template.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- channel_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0NjI-get-a-channel-site.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- channel_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0NTk-create-channel-listings.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- channel_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0NjM-update-a-channel-site.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- channel_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0NjU-delete-a-channel-site.
The resource includes the fields from the siteT template.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- checkout_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzY0NTYzMDc-get-a-checkout.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- checkout_id: Required. Specify checkout identifierto update customer message.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzY0NTYzMDg-update-customer-messages.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- cart
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, customer_id, channel_id, email, currency, base_amount, discount_amount, cart_amount_inc_tax, cart_amount_ex_tax, coupons, discounts, line_items, created_time, updated_time.
Uses template:
- billing_address
Template: billingAddressT. Field components:
- Contains the following components: custom_fields.
- consignments
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, shipping_cost_inc_tax, shipping_cost_ex_tax, handling_cost_inc_tax, handling_cost_ex_tax, coupon_discounts, discounts, line_item_ids, shipping_address, available_shipping_options, selected_shipping_options.
- taxes
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: name, amount.
- coupons
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- order_id
Template: ShortText.
- shipping_cost_total_inc_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- shipping_cost_total_ex_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- handling_cost_total_inc_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- handling_cost_total_ex_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- tax_total
Data type: DT_R8
- subtotal_inc_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- subtotal_ex_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- grand_total
Data type: DT_R8
- created_time
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- updated_time
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- customer_message
Template: LongText.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- checkout_id: Required. Specify checkout identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzY0NTYzMDk-add-checkout-billing-address.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- checkout_id: Required. Specify checkout identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzY0NTYzMTA-update-checkout-billing-address.
The resource includes the fields from the billingAddressT template.
- custom_fields
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template V3.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- checkout_id: Required. Specify checkout identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzY0NTYzMTE-add-consignment-to-checkout.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- checkout_id: Required. Specify checkout identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzY0NTYzMTI-update-checkout-consignment.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- checkout_id: Required. Specify checkout identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzY0NTYzMTM-delete-checkout-consignment.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- shipping_address
Template: shippingAddressT. Field components:
- Contains the following components: customFields.
- line_items
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template V3.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- checkout_id: Required. Specify checkout identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzY0NTYzMTQ-add-coupon-to-checkout.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- checkout_id: Required. Specify checkout identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzY0NTYzMTU-delete-checkout-coupon.
- coupon_code
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template V3.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzY0NTYzMTY-create-an-order.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template V2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0ODY-get-all-currencies.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[resopnse]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- currency_id: Required. Specify currency identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0ODk-get-a-currency.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0ODg-create-a-currency.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0OTA-update-a-currency.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0OTE-delete-a-currency.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- last_updated
Template: DateTime.
- country_iso2
Template: ShortText.
- currency_code
Template: ShortText.
- currency_exchange_rate
Data type: DT_R8
- auto_update
Template: ShortText.
- location
Template: ShortText.
- token
Template: ShortText.
- decimal_token
Template: ShortText.
- thousands_token
Template: ShortText.
- decimal_places
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzI5OTY3NTY-get-all-customers.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzI5OTY3NTc-create-customers.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzI5OTY3NTg-update-customers.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=_.omit(item, 'id:in')}}
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ1Njg-delete-a-customer.
Template: ShortText.
- first_name
Template: ShortText.
- last_name
Template: ShortText.
- company
Template: ShortText.
- phone
Template: ShortText.
- registration_ip_address
Template: ShortText.
- notes
Template: ShortText.
- tax_exempt_category
Template: ShortText.
- customer_group_id
Data type: DT_I4
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4 A composite field.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- date_created
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- address_count
Data type: DT_I4
- attribute_count
Data type: DT_I4
- authentication
Field components:
- Contains the following components: force_password_reset.
- addresses
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- attributes
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- storecredit
The gathered value is processed with
expression. Field components:- An array.
- accepts_product_review_abandoned_cart_emails
Data type: DT_BOOL
- channel_ids
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- consent
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response}}
expression. Field components:-
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: allow, deny, updated_at.
Uses template:
- store_instrument
Template: customerStoreInstrumentT. The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response}}
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ1ODI-get-a-customer-group.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- group_id: Required. Specify group identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ0ODk-get-a-currency.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ1ODA-create-a-customer-group.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ1ODQ-update-a-customer-group.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ1Njg-delete-a-customer.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- name
Template: ShortText.
- is_default
Data type: DT_BOOL
- category_access
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: type, categories.
Uses template:
- discount_rules
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: type, method, amount, price_list_id.
- is_group_for_guests
Data type: DT_BOOL
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2MjI-get-all-customer-addresses.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2MjM-create-a-customer-address.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2MjQ-update-a-customer-address.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=_.omit(item, 'id:in')}}
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2MjU-delete-a-customer-address.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4 A composite field.
- first_name
Template: ShortText.
- last_name
Template: ShortText.
- company
Template: ShortText.
- address1
Template: ShortText.
- address2
Template: ShortText.
- city
Template: ShortText.
- state_or_province
Template: ShortText.
- postal_code
Template: ShortText.
- country_code
Template: ShortText.
- phone
Template: ShortText.
- address_type
Template: ShortText.
- customer_id
Data type: DT_I4
- country
Template: ShortText.
- formfields
The gathered value is processed with
expression. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2MzE-get-all-customer-attributes.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2MzI-create-a-customer-attribute.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2MzM-update-a-customer-attribute.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=_.omit(item, 'id:in')}}
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2MzQ-delete-customer-attributes.
The resource includes the fields from the attributeT template.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2MzU-get-all-customer-attribute-values.
- [Upsert] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2MzY-upsert-customer-attribute-values.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=_.omit(item, 'id:in')}}
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2Mzc-delete-customer-attribute-values.
The resource includes the fields from the attributeT template.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2Mzg-get-customer-form-field-values.
- [Upsert] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2MzY-upsert-customer-attribute-values.
- value
Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- id
Template: ShortText.
- customer_id
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- customer_id: Required. Specify customer identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2NDA-get-customer-consent.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- customer_id: Required. Specify customer identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2NDE-update-customer-consent.
- allow
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- deny
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- updated_at
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- customer_id: Required. Specify customer identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2NDI-get-stored-instruments-beta.
The resource includes the fields from the customerStoreInstrumentT template.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2Mjc-get-customer-settings.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2Mjg-update-customer-settings.
- privacy_settings
Template: privacySettingT.
- customer_group_settings
Template: customerSettingT.
- allow_global_logins
Data type: DT_BOOL
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- channel_id: Required. Specify channel identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2Mjk-get-customer-settings-per-channel.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2MzA-update-customer-settings-per-channel.
- privacy_settings
Template: privacySettingT.
- customer_group_settings
Template: customerSettingT.
- allow_global_logins
Data type: DT_BOOL
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ1MDQ-get-custom-template-associations.
- [Upsert] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=[item] }}
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ1MDU-upsert-custom-template-associations.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=_.omit(item, 'id:in')
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ1MDU-upsert-custom-template-associations.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4 A composite field.
- channel_id
Data type: DT_I4
- entity_type
Template: ShortText.
- entity_id
Data type: DT_I4
- file_name
Template: ShortText.
- is_valid
Data type: DT_BOOL
- date_created
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2NTI-get-email-templates.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- type_id: Required. Specify template name.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2NTI-get-email-templates.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2NTQ-update-a-template.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2NTU-delete-email-template-override.
- type_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- subject
Template: ShortText.
- body
Data type: DT_WSTR ( length 4000 )
- translations
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: locale, keys.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2NjE-get-all-countries.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- id: Required. Specify country identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2NTI-get-email-templates.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- count
Data type: DT_I4
- country
Template: ShortText.
- country_iso2
Template: ShortText.
- country_iso3
Template: ShortText.
- states
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, state, state_abbreviation, country_id.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2ODU-get-all-banners.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- banner_id: Required. Specify banner identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2ODg-get-a-banner.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2ODY-create-a-banner.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2ODk-update-a-banner.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2OTA-delete-a-banner.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- name
Template: ShortText.
- content
Data type: DT_WSTR ( length 255 )
- page
Template: ShortText.
- item_id
Data type: DT_I4
- location
Template: ShortText.
- date_created
Template: UnixTime.
- date_type
Template: ShortText.
- date_from
Template: UnixTime.
- date_to
Template: UnixTime.
- visible
Data type: DT_I4
- count
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2Nzk-get-all-coupons.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2ODA-create-a-new-coupon.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2ODM-update-a-coupon.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2ODQ-delete-a-coupon.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- name
Template: ShortText.
- type
Template: ShortText.
- amount
Data type: DT_R8
- min_purchase
Template: ShortText.
- expires
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- enabled
Data type: DT_BOOL
- code
Template: ShortText.
- applies_to
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: entity, ids.
Uses template:
- num_uses
Data type: DT_I4
- max_uses
Data type: DT_I4
- max_uses_per_customer
Data type: DT_I4
- restricted_to
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: countries.
Uses template:
- shipping_methods
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- date_created
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2OTU-get-all-gift-certificates.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2OTI-get-a-gift-certificate.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2OTY-create-a-gift-certificate.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2OTQ-update-a-gift-certificate.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2OTM-delete-a-gift-certificate.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- customer_id
Data type: DT_I4
- order_id
Data type: DT_I4
- code
Template: ShortText.
- to_name
Template: ShortText.
- to_email
Template: ShortText.
- from_name
Template: ShortText.
- from_email
Template: ShortText.
- amount
Data type: DT_R8
- balance
Data type: DT_R8
- status
Template: ShortText.
- template
Data type: DT_BOOL
- message
Data type: DT_WSTR ( length 255 )
- purchase_date
Template: UnixTime.
- expiry_date
Data type: UnixTime
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ3MzQ-get-all-orders.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- order_id: Required. Specify order identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ3MzA-get-an-order.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ3MzU-create-an-order.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ3MzE-update-an-order.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ3MzI-archive-an-order.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- customer_id
Data type: DT_I4
- date_created
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- date_shipped
Template: DateTime.
- status_id
Data type: DT_I4
- status
Template: ShortText.
- subtotal_ex_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- subtotal_inc_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- subtotal_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- base_shipping_cost
Data type: DT_R8
- shipping_cost_ex_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- shipping_cost_inc_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- shipping_cost_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- shipping_cost_tax_class_id
Data type: DT_I4
- base_handling_cost
Data type: DT_R8
- handling_cost_ex_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- handling_cost_inc_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- handling_cost_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- handling_cost_tax_class_id
Data type: DT_I4
- base_wrapping_cost
Data type: DT_R8
- wrapping_cost_ex_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- wrapping_cost_inc_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- wrapping_cost_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- wrapping_cost_tax_class_id
Data type: DT_I4
- total_ex_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- total_inc_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- total_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- items_total
Data type: DT_I4
- items_shipped
Data type: DT_I4
- payment_method
Template: ShortText.
- payment_provider_id
Template: ShortText.
- payment_status
Template: ShortText.
- refunded_amount
Data type: DT_R8
- order_is_digital
Data type: DT_BOOL
- store_credit_amount
Data type: DT_R8
- gift_certificate_amount
Data type: DT_R8
- ip_address
Template: ShortText.
- ip_address_v6
Template: ShortText.
- geoip_country
Template: ShortText.
- geoip_country_iso2
Template: ShortText.
- currency_id
Data type: DT_I4
- currency_code
Template: ShortText.
- currency_exchange_rate
Data type: DT_R8
- default_currency_id
Data type: DT_I4
- default_currency_code
Template: ShortText.
- staff_notes
Template: ShortText.
- customer_message
Template: ShortText.
- discount_amount
Data type: DT_R8
- coupon_discount
Data type: DT_R8
- shipping_address_count
Data type: DT_I4
- is_deleted
Data type: DT_BOOL
- ebay_order_id
Template: ShortText.
- cart_id
Template: ShortText.
- billing_address
Template: billingAddressT. Field components:
- Contains the following components: form_fields.
- is_email_opt_in
Data type: DT_BOOL
- credit_card_type
Template: ShortText.
- order_source
Template: ShortText.
- channel_id
Data type: DT_I4
- external_source
Template: ShortText.
- products
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
- coupons
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
- taxes
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, order_id, order_address_id, tax_rate_id, tax_class_id, name, class, rate, priority, priority_amount, line_amount.
- external_id
Template: ShortText.
- external_merchant_id
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- tax_provider_id
Template: ShortText.
- store_default_currency_code
Template: ShortText.
- store_default_to_transactional_exchange_rate
Data type: DT_R8
- custom_status
Template: ShortText.
- customer_locale
Template: ShortText.
- messages
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, order_id, staff_id, customer_id, type, subject, message, status, is_flagged, date_created, customer.
- shipments
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, order_id, customer_id, order_address_id, date_created, tracking_number, merchant_shipping_cost, shipping_method, comments, shipping_provider, tracking_carrier, tracking_link, billing_address, shipping_address, items.
- shipment_addresses
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, order_id, first_name, last_name, company, street_1, street_2, city, zip, country, country_iso2, state, email, phone, items_total, items_shipped, shipping_method, base_cost, cost_ex_tax, cost_inc_tax, cost_tax, cost_tax_class_id, base_handling_cost, handling_cost_ex_tax, handling_cost_inc_tax, handling_cost_tax, handling_cost_tax_class_id, shipping_zone_id, shipping_zone_name, shipping_quotes, form_fields.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- order_id: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2OTU-get-all-gift-certificates.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- order_id: Required. Specify order identifier.
- product_id: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ2OTI-get-a-gift-certificate.
The resource includes the fields from the orderProductT template.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- order_id: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ3NDA-get-all-order-statuses.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- order_status_id: Required. Specify product identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ3NDE-get-a-single-order-status-by-id.
- id
Data type: DT_I4
- name
Template: ShortText.
- system_label
Template: ShortText.
- custom_label
Template: ShortText.
- system_description
Data type: DT_WSTR ( length 255 )
- order
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- order_id: Required. Specify order identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ3NDM-get-order-shipments.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- order_id: Required. Specify order identifier.
- shipment_id: Required. Specify shipment identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ3NDc-get-a-shipment.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- order_id: Required. Specify order identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ3NDQ-create-order-shipment.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- order_id: Required. Specify order identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ3NDg-update-a-shipment.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- order_id: Required. Specify order identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ3NDk-delete-an-order-shipment.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- order_id
Data type: DT_I4
- customer_id
Data type: DT_I4
- order_address_id
Data type: DT_I4
- date_created
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- tracking_number
Template: ShortText.
- merchant_shipping_cost
Data type: DT_R8
- shipping_method
Template: ShortText.
- comments
Template: ShortText.
- shipping_provider
Template: ShortText.
- tracking_carrier
Template: ShortText.
- tracking_link
Template: ShortText.
- billing_address
Template: billingAddressT.
- shipping_address
Template: shippingAddressT.
- items
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- order_id: Required. Specify order identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ3Mzk-get-order-shipping-addresses.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- order_id: Required. Specify order identifier.
- shipping_address_id: Required. Specify shipping address identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ3NDc-get-a-shipment.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- order_id: Required. Specify order identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ3NTM-update-a-shipping-address.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- order_id
Data type: DT_I4
- first_name
Template: ShortText.
- last_name
Template: ShortText.
- company
Template: ShortText.
- street_1
Template: ShortText.
- street_2
Template: ShortText.
- city
Template: ShortText.
- zip
Template: ShortText.
- country
Template: ShortText.
- country_iso2
Template: ShortText.
- state
Template: ShortText.
Template: ShortText.
- phone
Template: ShortText.
- items_total
Data type: DT_I4
- items_shipped
Data type: DT_I4
- shipping_method
Template: ShortText.
- base_cost
Data type: DT_R8
- cost_ex_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- cost_inc_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- cost_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- cost_tax_class_id
Data type: DT_I4
- base_handling_cost
Data type: DT_R8
- handling_cost_ex_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- handling_cost_inc_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- handling_cost_tax
Data type: DT_R8
- handling_cost_tax_class_id
Data type: DT_I4
- shipping_zone_id
Data type: DT_I4
- shipping_zone_name
Template: ShortText.
- shipping_quotes
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response}}
expression. Field components:-
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, uuid, timestamp, shipping_provider_id, shipping_provider_quote, provider_code, carrier_code, rate_code, rate_id, method_id.
Uses template:
- form_fields
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- order_id: Required. Specify order identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ3Mzk-get-order-shipping-addresses.
- id
Data type: DT_I4
- order_id
Template: ShortText.
- event
Template: ShortText.
- method
Template: ShortText.
- amount
Data type: DT_R8
- currency
Template: ShortText.
- gateway
Template: ShortText.
- gateway_transaction_id
Template: ShortText.
- status
Template: ShortText.
- test
Data type: DT_BOOL
- fraud_review
Data type: DT_BOOL
- reference_transaction_id
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- date_created
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- avs_result
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: code, message, street_match, postal_match.
Uses template:
- cvv_result
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: code, message.
Uses template:
- credit_card
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: card_type, card_iin, card_last4, card_expiry_month, card_expiry_year.
Uses template:
- gift_certificate
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: code, original_balance, starting_balance, remaining_balance, status.
Uses template:
- store_credit
Field components:
- Contains the following components: remaining_balance.
- offline
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: display_name.
Uses template:
- custom
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: payment_method.
Uses template:
- payment_instrument_token
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- payment_method_id
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ4Mjk-get-all-refunds.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- order_id: Required. Specify order identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ4Mjc-get-refunds-for-order.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- order_id: Required. Specify order identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ4MjY-create-a-refund.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- order_id
Data type: DT_I4
- user_id
Data type: DT_I4
- created
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- reason
Template: ShortText.
- total_amount
Data type: DT_R8
- total_tax
Data type: DT_I4
- uses_merchant_override_values
Data type: DT_BOOL
- items
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
- payments
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, provider_id, amount, offline, is_declined, declined_message.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- order_id: Required. Specify order identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ4MjU-create-a-refund-quote.
- items
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQxMTE-get-pages.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQxMTI-create-pages.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6NDIyMzQ3MTg-update-a-page.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6NDIyMzQ3MTk-delete-a-page.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- channel_id
Data type: DT_I4
- name
Template: ShortText.
- meta_title
Template: ShortText.
- is_visible
Data type: DT_BOOL
- parent_id
Data type: DT_I4
- sort_order
Data type: DT_I4
- meta_keywords
Template: ShortText.
- type
Template: ShortText.
- meta_description
Template: ShortText.
- is_homepage
Data type: DT_BOOL
- is_customers_only
Data type: DT_BOOL
- search_keywords
Template: ShortText.
- url
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ4Mzc-get-all-payment-methods.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- code
Template: ShortText.
- test_mode
Data type: DT_BOOL
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ4OTY-get-all-price-lists.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ4OTc-create-a-price-list.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5MDA-update-a-price-list.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5MDE-delete-a-price-list.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- date_created
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- active
Data type: DT_BOOL
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5MTA-get-price-list-assignments.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5MDk-create-price-list-assignments.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=_.omit(item, 'id')}}
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5MDE-delete-a-price-list.
- id
Data type: DT_I4
- customer_group_id
Data type: DT_I4
- price_list_id
Data type: DT_I4
- channel_id
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- price_list_id: Required. Specify price list identifier.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5MDI-get-all-price-list-records.
- [Read Using Variant Id] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is paginated.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- price_list_id: Required. Specify price list identifier.
- variant_id: Required. Specify variant identifier.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5MDU-get-price-records-by-variant.
- [Read Using Currency Code] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is paginated.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- price_list_id: Required. Specify price list identifier.
- variant_id: Required. Specify variant identifier.
- currency_code: Required. Specify currency code.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5MDY-get-a-price-record-by-currency-code.
- [Upsert] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=_.isEmpty(response.data) ? '[{}]' : response.data }}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- price_list_id: Required. Specify price list identifier.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5MDk-create-price-list-assignments.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- price_list_id: Required. Specify price list identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5MDE-delete-a-price-list.
- price_list_id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- variant_id
Data type: DT_I4
- price
Data type: DT_R8
- sale_price
Data type: DT_R8
- retail_price
Data type: DT_R8
- map_price
Data type: DT_R8
- calculated_price
Data type: DT_R8
- date_created
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- currency
Template: ShortText.
- sku
Template: ShortText.
- product_id
Data type: DT_I4
- bulk_pricing_tiers
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5MzI-get-redirects.
- [Upsert] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=_.isEmpty(response.data) ? '[{}]' : response.data}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- price_list_id: Required. Specify price list identifier.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5MzM-upsert-redirects.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=_.omit(item, 'id:in', 'id')}}
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5MDE-delete-a-price-list.
- id
Data type: DT_I4 A composite field.
- from_path
Template: ShortText.
- site_id
Data type: DT_I4
- to_url
Template: ShortText.
- to
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5MzI-get-redirects.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- uuid: Required. Specify the uuid of script.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5NTE-get-a-script.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5NDk-create-a-script.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5NTI-update-a-script.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5NTM-delete-a-script.
- uuid
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- description
Template: ShortText.
- html
Template: ShortText.
- src
Template: ShortText.
- auto_uninstall
Data type: DT_BOOL
- load_method
Template: ShortText.
- location
Template: ShortText.
- visibility
Template: ShortText.
- kind
Template: ShortText.
- date_created
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- api_client_id
Template: ShortText.
- consent_category
Template: ShortText.
- enable
Data type: DT_BOOL
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwMTM-delete-email-statuses.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwMTI-update-email-statuses.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwMTM-delete-email-statuses.
- abandoned_cart_email
Data type: DT_BOOL
- account_details_changed_email
Data type: DT_BOOL
- combined_order_status_email
Data type: DT_BOOL
- createaccount_email
Data type: DT_BOOL
- createguestaccount_email
Data type: DT_BOOL
- giftcertificate_email
Data type: DT_BOOL
- invoice_email
Data type: DT_BOOL
- ordermessage_notification
Data type: DT_BOOL
- return_confirmation_email
Data type: DT_BOOL
- return_statuschange_email
Data type: DT_BOOL
- product_review_email
Data type: DT_BOOL
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwMDU-get-enabled-filters.
- [Read Available] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is paginated.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwMDc-get-available-filters.
- [Read Contextual] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is paginated.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwMDg-get-contextual-filters.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwMDY-update-enabled-filters.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- display_name
Template: ShortText.
- type
Template: ShortText.
- display_product_count
Data type: DT_BOOL
- collapsed_by_default
Data type: DT_BOOL
- items_to_show
Data type: DT_I4
- sort_by
Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- product_count
Data type: DT_I4
- is_enabled
Data type: DT_BOOL
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwMTQ-get-locale-settings.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwMTU-update-locale-settings.
- default_shopper_language
Template: ShortText.
- store_country
Template: ShortText.
- shopper_language_selection_method
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwMTQ-get-locale-settings.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwMDA-update-robots-txt-settings.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=_.omit(item, 'keys')
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwMDE-delete-robots-txt-settings.
- robots_txt_ssl
Template: ShortText.
- keys
Template: ShortText. A composite field.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwMDI-get-search-settings.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwMDM-update-search-settings.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=_.omit(item, 'keys')
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwMDQ-delete-search-settings.
- content_product_sort
Template: ShortText.
- default_product_sort
Template: ShortText.
- product_filtering_enabled
Data type: DT_BOOL
- search_suggest
Data type: DT_BOOL
- keys
Template: ShortText. A composite field.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5OTY-get-seo-settings.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5OTc-update-seo-settings.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=_.omit(item, 'keys')
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5OTg-delete-seo-settings.
- meta_description
Template: ShortText.
- meta_keywords
Template: ShortText.
- page_title
Template: ShortText.
- www_redirect
Template: ShortText.
- keys
Template: ShortText. A composite field.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5OTQ-get-status.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDQ5OTU-update-status.
- down_for_maintenance_message
Template: ShortText.
- prelaunch_message
Template: ShortText.
- prelaunch_password
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- zone_id: Required. Specify zone identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwNjI-get-all-shipping-methods-in-a-zone.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- zone_id: Required. Specify zone identifier.
- method_id: Required. Specify method identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwNjQ-get-a-shipping-method.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- zone_id: Required. Specify zone identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwNjM-create-a-shipping-method.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- zone_id: Required. Specify zone identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwNjU-update-a-shipping-method.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- zone_id: Required. Specify zone identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwNjY-delete-a-shipping-method.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- name
Template: ShortText.
- type
Template: ShortText.
- settings
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: rate, default_cost, default_cost_type, range, carrier_options.
Uses template:
- enabled
Data type: DT_BOOL
- handling_fees
Template: handlingFeeT.
- is_fallback
Data type: DT_BOOL
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwNjg-create-a-carrier-connection.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwNjg-create-a-carrier-connection.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwNjY-delete-a-shipping-method.
- carrier_id
Template: ShortText.
- connection
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: auth_key, test_mode, account_id, pass_phrase, key, password, account_number, meter_number.
Uses template:
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwNTc-get-all-shipping-zones.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- zone_id: Required. Specify zone identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwNTk-get-a-shipping-zones.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwNTg-create-a-shipping-zone.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwNjA-update-a-shipping-zone.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwNjE-delete-a-shipping-zone.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- name
Template: ShortText.
- type
Template: ShortText.
- locations
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, zip, country_iso2, state_iso2.
- free_shipping
Field components:
- Contains the following components: enabled, minimum_subtotal, exclude_fixed_shipping_products.
- handling_fees
Template: handlingFeeT.
- enabled
Data type: DT_BOOL
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwNzY-get-customs-information.
- [Upsert] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwNzg-upsert-customs-information.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=_.omit(item, 'product_id:in')
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwNzc-delete-customs-information.
- product_id
Data type: DT_I4 A composite field.
- country_of_origin
Template: ShortText.
- commodity_description
Template: ShortText.
- international_shipping
Data type: DT_BOOL
- hs_codes
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: CA, AU, ALL.
Uses template:
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwOTI-get-sites.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- site_id: Required. Specify site identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwOTM-get-a-site.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwOTE-create-a-site.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwOTQ-update-a-site.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwOTU-delete-a-site.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- url
Template: ShortText.
- channel_id
Data type: DT_I4
- created_at
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- updated_at
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- routes
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- site_id: Required. Specify site identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwOTY-get-a-site-s-routes.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- site_id: Required. Specify site identifier.
- route_id: Required. Specify route identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwOTY-get-a-site-s-routes.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- site_id: Required. Specify site identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwOTc-create-a-site-route.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- site_id: Required. Specify site identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxMDA-update-a-site-route.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- site_id: Required. Specify site identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxMDE-delete-a-site-route.
The resource includes the fields from the siteRouteT template.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxMjA-get-all-blog-posts.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- post_id: Required. Specify bolg post identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxMjM-get-a-blog-post.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxMjE-create-a-blog-post.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxMjQ-update-a-blog-post.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxMjU-delete-a-blog-post.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- title
Template: ShortText.
- url
Template: ShortText.
- preview_url
Template: ShortText.
- body
Template: ShortText.
- tags
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- summary
Template: ShortText.
- is_published
Data type: DT_BOOL
- published_date
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: date, timezone_type, timezone.
Uses template:
- published_date_iso8601
Template: DateTime.
- meta_description
Template: ShortText.
- meta_keywords
Template: ShortText.
- author
Template: ShortText.
- thumbnail_path
Template: ShortText.
- count
Data type: DT_I4
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxMTk-get-all-blog-tags.
- tag
Template: ShortText.
- post_ids
Template: LongText. A composite field.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxNDM-get-store-information.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- domain
Template: ShortText.
- secure_url
Template: ShortText.
- control_panel_base_url
Template: ShortText.
- status
Template: ShortText.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- first_name
Template: ShortText.
- last_name
Template: ShortText.
- address
Template: ShortText.
- country
Template: ShortText.
- country_code
Template: ShortText.
- phone
Template: ShortText.
- admin_email
Template: ShortText.
- order_email
Template: ShortText.
- favicon_url
Template: ShortText.
- timezone
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: name, raw_offset, dst_offset, dst_correction, date_format.
Uses template:
- language
Template: ShortText.
- currency
Template: ShortText.
- currency_symbol
Template: ShortText.
- decimal_separator
Template: ShortText.
- thousands_separator
Template: ShortText.
- decimal_places
Data type: DT_I4
- currency_symbol_location
Template: ShortText.
- weight_units
Template: ShortText.
- dimension_units
Template: ShortText.
- dimension_decimal_places
Data type: DT_I4
- dimension_decimal_token
Template: ShortText.
- dimension_thousands_token
Template: ShortText.
- plan_name
Template: ShortText.
- plan_level
Template: ShortText.
- industry
Template: ShortText.
- logo
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: url.
Uses template:
- is_price_entered_with_tax
Data type: DT_BOOL
- active_comparison_modules
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- features
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: stencil_enabled, sitewidehttps_enabled, facebook_catalog_id, checkout_type.
Uses template:
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxNjc-get-subscribers.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- subscriber_id: Required. Specify site identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUwOTY-get-a-site-s-routes.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxNjg-create-a-subscriber.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxNzE-update-a-subscriber.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxNzI-delete-a-subscriber.
Template: ShortText.
- first_name
Template: ShortText.
- last_name
Template: ShortText.
- source
Template: ShortText.
- order_id
Data type: DT_I4
- channel_id
Data type: DT_I4
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- date_modified
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- date_created
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV2.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response}}
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxNzQ-get-all-tax-classes.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- tax_id: Required. Specify tax identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxNzU-get-a-tax-class.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- name
Template: ShortText.
- date_created
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- date_updated
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- provider_id: Required. Specify provider identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxNzc-get-connection-status.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxNzk-update-a-connection.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUxNzg-delete-a-connection.
- id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- username
Template: ShortText.
- configured
Data type: DT_BOOL
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUyMDA-get-all-themes.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- theme_uuid: Required. Specify theme identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUyMDI-get-a-theme.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUyMDE-upload-a-theme.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUyMDM-delete-a-theme.
- uuid
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- variations
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: uuid, name, description, external_id.
- name
Template: ShortText.
- is_private
Data type: DT_BOOL
- is_active
Data type: DT_BOOL
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- job_id: Required. Specify job identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUyMDY-get-a-theme-job.
- id
Template: ShortText.
- time
Template: ShortText.
- status
Template: ShortText.
- percent_complete
Data type: DT_I4
- result
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: theme_id.
Uses template:
- warnings
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- errors
Template: LongText. A composite field.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUyNzM-get-webhooks.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- webhook_id: Required. Specify webhook identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUyNzQ-get-a-webhook.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUyNzI-create-a-webhook.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUyNzU-update-a-webhook.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUyMDM-delete-a-theme.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- client_id
Template: ShortText.
- store_hash
Template: ShortText.
- created_at
Template: UnixTime.
- updated_at
Template: UnixTime.
- scope
Template: ShortText.
- destination
Template: ShortText.
- is_active
Data type: DT_BOOL
- headers
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: custom.
Uses template:
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMDk-get-all-widgets.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- webhook_id: Required. Specify widget identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUyNzQ-get-a-webhook.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMDg-create-a-widget.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUyNzU-update-a-webhook.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUyMDM-delete-a-theme.
The resource includes the fields from the widgetT template.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- template_file: Required. Specify the template file.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMTg-get-theme-regions.
- name
Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMDQ-get-all-widget-templates.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- uuid: Required. Specify widget template identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMDU-get-a-widget-template.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMDM-create-a-widget-template.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMDY-update-a-widget-template.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMDc-delete-a-widget-template.
The resource includes the fields from the widgetTemplateT template.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMTQ-get-all-placements.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- placement_uuid: Required. Specify placement identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMTU-get-a-placement.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMTQ-get-all-placements.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMTY-update-a-placement.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMTc-delete-a-placement.
- channel_id
Data type: DT_I4
- date_created
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- date_modified
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- entity_id
Template: ShortText.
- region
Template: ShortText.
- sort_order
Data type: DT_I4
- status
Template: ShortText.
- template_file
Template: ShortText.
- uuid
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- widget
Template: widgetT.
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMjg-get-all-wishlists.
- [Read Single] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- wishlist_id: Required. Specify wishlist identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMzA-get-a-wishlist.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMjc-create-a-wishlist.
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMzE-update-a-wishlist.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMzI-delete-a-wishlist.
- id
A key field. Data type: DT_I4
- customer_id
Data type: DT_I4
- name
Template: ShortText.
- is_public
Data type: DT_BOOL
- token
Template: ShortText.
- items
Field components:
- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template NoIncludeFieldV3.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- wishlist_id: Required. Specify wishlist identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMzM-add-wishlist-item.
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- wishlist_id: Required. Specify wishlist identifier.
Documentation: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/b3A6MzU5MDUzMjk-delete-wishlist-item.
The resource includes the fields from the itemT template.
- [Read] action
The result is extracted from:{{=utils.ensureArray(response.data)}}
The result is paginated.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
{{=_.without(parameters.fields, 'id').join()}}
- [Read Single] action
The result is extracted from:{{=utils.ensureArray(response.data)}}
The result is paginated.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
- [Create] action
The action uses POST method.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
- [Update] action
The action uses PUT method.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
- [Upsert] action
The action uses PUT method.
- [Delete] action
The action uses DELETE method.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
Based on resource template Base.
Based on resource template NoIncludeField.
Based on resource template Base.
Based on resource template NoIncludeField.
- ShortText
Data type: DT_WSTR ( length 255 )
- LongText
Data type: DT_WSTR ( length 1000 )
- DateTime
- UnixTime
Data type: DT_DBTIMESTAMP The gathered value is processed with
{{=value && new Date(value * 1000).toUTCString()}}
expression.- StringList
Template: LongText. A composite field. The gathered value is processed with
{{=value && value.join(', ')}}
expression.- variantOptionValueT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: option_display_name, label, id, option_id.
Uses template:
- customUrlT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: url, is_customized.
Uses template:
- generalValueOptionT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: is_default, label, sort_order, value_data, adjusters.
Uses template:
- configT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: default_value, checked_by_default, checkbox_label, date_limited, date_limit_mode, date_earliest_value, date_latest_value, file_types_mode, file_types_supported, file_types_other, file_max_size, text_characters_limited, text_min_length, text_max_length, text_lines_limited, text_max_lines, number_limited, number_limit_mode, number_lowest_value, number_highest_value, number_integers_only, product_list_adjusts_inventory, product_list_adjusts_pricing, product_list_shipping_calc.
Uses template:
- videoT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: sort_order, title, description, id, video_id, product_id, type, length.
Uses template:
- objectT
Field components:
- Contains the following components: id, option_id.
- BulkPricingRuleT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: quantity_min, title, description, id, quantity_max, amount, type.
Uses template:
- variantT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, product_id, sku, sku_id, price, calculated_price, sale_price, retail_price, map_price, weight, calculated_weight, width, height, depth, is_free_shipping, fixed_cost_shipping_price, purchasing_disabled, purchasing_disabled_message, image_url, cost_price, upc, mpn, gtin, inventory_level, inventory_warning_level, bin_picking_number, option_values.
Uses template:
- metafieldT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: date_created, date_modified, description, id, key, namespace, permission_set, resource_id, resource_type, value.
Uses template:
- modifierT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: type, required, sort_order, display_name, id, product_id, name, config, option_values, object.
Uses template:
- complexRuleT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, product_id, sort_order, enabled, stop, price_adjuster, weight_adjuster, purchasing_disabled, purchasing_disabled_message, purchasing_hidden, image_url, conditions.
Uses template:
- reviewT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, title, text, status, rating, email, name, date_created, date_modified, date_reviewed.
Uses template:
- siteT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, url, channel_id, created_at, updated_at.
Uses template:
- listingT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: channel_id, listing_id, product_id, state, name, description, date_created, date_modified, variants.
Uses template:
- currencyAssignmentT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: channel_id, enabled_currencies, default_currency.
Uses template:
- couponT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, coupon_id, order_id, code, amount, type, discount, coupon_type, discounted_amount.
Uses template:
- discountT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, discounted_amount.
Uses template:
- physicalItemT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, parent_id, variant_id, product_id, sku, name, url, quantity, taxable, image_url, discounts, coupons, discount_amount, coupon_amount, list_price, sale_price, extended_list_price, extended_sale_price, is_require_shipping, is_mutable, gift_wrapping.
Uses template:
- digitalItemT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: quantity, id, product_id, variant_id, parent_id, sku, name, url, is_mutable, is_require_shipping, is_taxable, image_url, discounts, coupons, discount_amount, coupon_amount, list_price, sale_price, extended_list_price, extended_sale_price.
Uses template:
- giftCertificateT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: theme, amount, sender, recipient, id, name, taxable, message.
Uses template:
- customItemT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: quantity, id, extended_list_price, list_price, sku, name, image_url.
Uses template:
- CheckOutlineItemT
Field components:
- Contains the following components: physical_items, optionSelections, digital_items, gift_certificates, custom_items.
- CartlineItemT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: quantity, product_id, name, list_price, variant_id, gift_wrapping.
Uses template:
- billingAddressT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, first_name, last_name, email, company, address1, address2, street_1, street_2, city, state, zip, state_or_province, state_or_province_code, country, country_iso2, country_code, postal_code, phone.
Uses template:
- shippingAddressT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: first_name, last_name, company, street_1, street_2, city, state, zip, country, country_iso2, phone, email.
Uses template:
- customFieldT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: field_id, field_value.
Uses template:
- formFieldT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: name, value, customer_id.
Uses template:
- itemT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: order_product_id, product_id, quantity, item_type, item_id, reason, requested_amount, variant_id.
Uses template:
- shippingOptionT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, type, description, image_url, cost, transit_time, additional_description.
Uses template:
- attributeT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: attribute_id, attribute_value, customer_id, date_created, date_modified, id.
Uses template:
- appliedDiscount
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, amount, name, code, target.
Uses template:
- productOptionT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, option_id, order_product_id, product_option_id, display_name, display_name_customer, display_name_merchant, display_value, display_value_customer, display_value_merchant, value, type, name, display_style.
Uses template:
- orderProductT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, order_id, product_id, order_address_id, name, name_customer, name_merchant, sku, upc, type, base_price, price_ex_tax, price_inc_tax, price_tax, base_total, total_ex_tax, total_inc_tax, total_tax, weight, quantity, base_cost_price, cost_price_inc_tax, cost_price_ex_tax, cost_price_tax, is_refunded, quantity_refunded, refund_amount, return_id, wrapping_name, base_wrapping_cost, wrapping_cost_ex_tax, wrapping_cost_inc_tax, wrapping_cost_tax, wrapping_message, quantity_shipped, fixed_shipping_cost, ebay_item_id, ebay_transaction_id, option_set_id, parent_order_product_id, is_bundled_product, bin_picking_number, external_id, fulfillment_source, applied_discounts, product_options, configurable_fields.
Uses template:
- privacySettingT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: ask_shopper_for_tracking_consent, policy_url.
Uses template:
- customerSettingT
Field components:
- Contains the following components: guest_customer_group_id, default_customer_group_id.
- handlingFeeT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: fixed_surcharge, percentage_surcharge, display_separately.
Uses template:
- siteRouteT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, type, matching, route.
Uses template:
- widgetTemplateT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: channel_id, client_rerender, current_version_uuid, date_created, date_modified, icon_name, kind, name, schema, storefront_api_query, template, template_engine, uuid.
Uses template:
- widgetT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: channel_id, date_created, date_modified, description, name, storefront_api_query_params, uuid, version_uuid, widget_configuration, widget_template.
Uses template:
- customerStoreInstrumentT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: type, token, is_default, brand, expiry_month, expiry_year, issuer_identification_number, last_4, billing_address.
Uses template:
Knowledge Base
What's New
- New: Defined to use new Category endpoints.
- New: Introduced connection.
Related documentation
COZYROC SSIS+ Components Suite is free for testing in your development environment.
A licensed version can be deployed on-premises, on Azure-SSIS IR and on COZYROC Cloud.