The Sybase Destination Component is an SSIS Data Flow Component, which is used to connect to an Sybase database and to perform bulk loads of data into Sybase tables. The configuration parameters are provided in the standard Data Flow Component dialogs. This component requires installation of Adaptive Server Enterprise version 15.7.
Sample package
To test the performance of the Sybase Destination component against the standard ODBC Destination, see this package. You must create a TEST_TABLE table with the following columns:
The NumberOfRows variable controls the number of rows inserted.
Use the parameters below to configure the component.
Select an existing ADO.NET Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Data Provider connection manager, or click <New connection...> to create a new connection manager.
The Sybase data provider supports multiple bulk-load modes. To set the bulk-load mode you have to include ENABLEBULKLOAD parameter in your connection string and use one of the options below:
Option Description 0 Bulk-mode is not used (default). 1 Enables bulk-load using array insert. 2 Enables bulk-load using the bulk copy interface. 3 Enables bulk-load using the fast logged bulk copy interface. Related Topics: ADO.NET Connection Manager
Specify the destination database table where the data is to be loaded.
Specify the number of rows to be sent as a batch.
Specify the number of seconds allowed for the bulk copy operation to complete before it is aborted.
Knowledge Base
- Where can I find the documentation for the Sybase Destination?
- Sybase Destination: How to modify the Sybase Destination table dynamically at runtime
What's New
- New: Introduced component.
COZYROC SSIS+ Components Suite is free for testing in your development environment.
A licensed version can be deployed on-premises, on Azure-SSIS IR and on COZYROC Cloud.