Configuration is provided for establishing connections with Microsoft Forms service. The configuration is used in the REST Connection Manager.
Press icon to get more information about the connection parameters.
Obtain data
Use REST Source component to get data from service resource.
Insert data
Use REST Destination component to insert data into service resource.
Quick Start
This task will guide you through creating a connection to the Microsoft Forms REST API using COZYROC's REST Connection Manager, with clear, step-by-step instructions.
Congratulations! You have now established a connection to your Microsoft Forms instance.
This guide demonstrates how to read data from the Microsoft Forms service resource using COZYROC's REST Source component.
This guide explains how to write data to the Microsoft Forms service resource using COZYROC's REST Destination component.
Step 4: Navigate to the Mapping tab and map the input columns for the process you are configuring.
To provide input for additional resource composite objects, adjust the input settings above and map the corresponding columns.
That's it! You've successfully configured data writing to the *Microsoft Forms** resource.
Base URL address: https://forms.office.com/formapi/api
- OAuth 2
The authentication uses an authorized token. The token will be refreshed with the following expression:
{{=Date.now() + (response.expires_in - 300) * 1000}}
.The authentication has the following user-defined parameters:
- client_id: Required. Identifier of application that is associated with the authentication token.
- client_secret: Specify application client secret. Optional.
- tenant: Required. Specify tenant identifier.
- redirect_uri: Required. Specify redirect_uri.
The following request parameters will be automatically processed during the authentication process:
Bearer {{=token.Access}}
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow#request-an-access-token.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.value}}
- [Read single] action
Endpoint URL address:
- id
A key field. Template: Id.
- displayName
Template: ShortText.
- emailAddress
Template: ShortText.
- classification
Template: ShortText.
- visibility
Template: ShortText.
- photo
Template: ShortText.
- members
Template: ShortText.
- owners
Template: ShortText.
- photos
Template: ShortText.
- members
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.value}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, @odata.type, businessPhones, displayName, givenName, jobTitle, mail, mobilePhone, officeLocation, preferredLanguage, surname, userPrincipalName.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.value}}
- [Read single] action
Endpoint URL address:
- [Read shared] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.value}}
- [Read group] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.value}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- group_id: Required. Select group.
- [Read recent] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.value}}
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
- id
Template: ShortText.
- title
Template: ShortText.
- modifiedDate
Template: DateTime. A read-only field.
- createdDate
Template: ShortText. A read-only field.
- version
Template: ShortText. A read-only field.
- ownerId
Template: Id.
- ownerName
Template: ShortText.
- ownerTenantId
Template: Id.
- softDeleted
Data type: DT_I4
- thankYouMessage
Template: ShortText.
- flags
Data type: DT_I4
- emailReceiptEnabled
Template: ShortText.
- type
Template: ShortText.
- defaultLanguage
Template: ShortText.
- dataClassificationLevel
Template: ShortText.
- formsProRTTitle
Template: ShortText.
- formsProRTDescription
Template: ShortText.
- meetingId
Template: ShortText.
- formsInsightsInfo
Template: ShortText.
- responseThresholdCount
Template: ShortText.
- inviteExpiryDays
Template: ShortText.
- collectionId
Template: ShortText.
- fillOutTimeLimit
Data type: DT_I4
- TenantSwitches
Data type: DT_I4
- PrivacyUrl
Template: ShortText.
- description
Template: ShortText.
- onlineSafetyLevel
Data type: DT_I4
- reputationTier
Data type: DT_I4
- tableId
Template: ShortText.
- status
Template: ShortText.
- category
Template: ShortText.
- predefinedResponses
Template: ShortText.
- fillOutRemainingTime
Data type: DT_I4
- timedFormStartTime
Template: DateTime.
- distributionInfo
Template: ShortText.
- createdBy
Template: ShortText.
- XlFileUnSynced
Data type: DT_BOOL
- mfpBranchingData
Template: ShortText.
- rowCount@odata.type
Template: ShortText.
- rowCount
Data type: DT_I4
- progressBarEnabled
Template: ShortText.
- trackingId
Template: ShortText.
- localeList
Template: LongText. A composite field.
- logo
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: altText, contentType, fileIdentifier, height, originalFileName, resourceId, resourceUrl, width, size.
Uses template:
- header
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: altText, contentType, fileIdentifier, height, originalFileName, resourceId, resourceUrl, width, size.
Uses template:
- background
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: altText, contentType, fileIdentifier, height, originalFileName, resourceId, resourceUrl, width, size.
Uses template:
- FileUploadFormInfo
Template: ShortText.
- groupd_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- serverDocId
Template: ShortText.
- settings
The gathered value is processed with
{{=value && JSON.parse(value)}}
expression. Field components:- Contains the following components: RequiresUniqueResponse, IsAnonymous, NotRecordIdentity, IsQuizMode, PermissionForResponder, ShuffleQuestionOrder.
- otherInfo
The gathered value is processed with
{{=value && JSON.parse(value)}}
expression. Field components:- Contains the following components: Theme.
- themeV2
The gathered value is processed with
{{=value && JSON.parse(value)}}
expression. Field components:-
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: Layout, Name, PrimaryColor, SecondaryColor, PrimaryVideo, PrimaryImage, ThirdColor, PrimaryMediaType.
Uses template:
- questions
The value is gathered from
address. The gathered value is processed with{{=response.value}}
expression. Field components:- An array.
Uses template:
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.value}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- form_id: Required. Select form.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
- [Update] action
Endpoint URL address:
- [Delete] action
Endpoint URL address:
The resource includes the fields from the QuestionT template.
- form_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
- group_id
A key field. Template: ShortText.
Based on resource template Base.
- [Read] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.value}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- form_id: Required. Select form.
- [Read group] action
Endpoint URL address:
The result is extracted from:{{=response.value}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- group_id: Required. Select group.
- form_id: Required. Select form.
- [Create] action
Endpoint URL address:
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- form_id: Required. Select form.
- group_id: Select group.
- id
Data type: DT_I4
- startDate
Template: DateTime.
- submitDate
Template: DateTime.
- responder
Template: ShortText.
- responderName
Template: ShortText.
- releaseDate
Template: DateTime.
- quizResult
Template: ShortText.
- emailReceiptConsent
Template: ShortText.
- submitLanguage
Template: ShortText.
- msRewardsData
Template: ShortText.
- anonymousResponseToken
Template: ShortText.
- answerExplanation
Template: ShortText.
- FormsProData
Template: ShortText.
- answers
Data type: DT_NTEXT
- [External]
The external fields URL address:
. The external fields list is extracted from:{{=_.filter(response.value, function(answer) { return !_.isEmpty(answer.title); })}}
.- data.{{=external.title}}
Template: {{=Forms.getQuestionTemplate(external.type)}}.
- [Read] action
The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
- [Read single] action
The result is extracted from:{{=[response]}}
.The action has the following user-defined parameters:
- id: Required. Specify identifier.
- [Create] action
The action uses POST method.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
- [Update] action
The action uses PATCH method.The following request parameters will be automatically processed:
- [Delete] action
The action uses DELETE method.
- ShortText
Data type: DT_WSTR ( length 255 )
- LongText
Data type: DT_WSTR ( length 1000 )
- DateTime
- Date
Data type: DT_DBDATE
- Id
Data type: DT_GUID
- Integer
Data type: DT_I4
- Image
Field components:
- An array.
- Contains the following components: id, name, link, type, size, referenceId, driveId, status, uploadSessionUrl, content.
- Choice
Template: ShortText. The gathered value is processed with
{{=value && _.isArray(value) ? value.join(', ') : value}}
expression.- QuestionT
Field components:
Uses template:
. - Contains the following components: id, title, order, type, required, questionInfo, isQuiz, justification, groupId, defaultValue, modifiedDate, status, subtitle, allowMultipleValues, titleHasPhishingKeywords, subtitleHasPhishingKeywords, questionTagForIntelligence, isFromSuggestion, insightsInfo, formsProRTQuestionTitle, formsProRTSubtitle, allowCustomChoice, trackingId, image, fileUploadSPOInfo.
Uses template:
Knowledge Base
What's New
- New: Introduced connection.
COZYROC SSIS+ Components Suite is free for testing in your development environment.
A licensed version can be deployed on-premises, on Azure-SSIS IR and on COZYROC Cloud.