These public interfaces are used in Dynamics NAV components. They are provided for implementing advanced functionality in your scripts. In order for you to use these interfaces in your project, you have to reference CozyRoc.SSISPlus.dll library. Also include CozyRoc.SqlServer.SSIS and CozyRoc.Dynamics.Nav namespaces.
IConnection / INavConnection
When you call Dynamics NAV Connection Manager AcquireConnection method, it returns object implementing IConnection interface. This is the interface used for interaction with Dynamics NAV service.
Connects to Dynamics NAV service.
Closes the connection to Dynamics NAV service. Use always after you finish working with the service.
Returns true if connected to the service.
Returns list of available companies.
Returns list of available pages in selected company.
Returns page fields. The method returns array of IPageField objects. These are the method parameters:
- page (string) - page name
Query Dynamics NAV service. The method returns array of strings, where each data record has the following format:
[field name]:[field value][CR][LF] [field name]:[field value][CR][LF] ...
These are the method parameters:
- page (string) - page name.
- filter (string) - query filter. The filter is specified as field name, followed by colon (:) and ends with filter specification. Multiple filters are separated with newline. For example to get all records where Location_Code field is GREEN, specify: Location_Code:=GREEN For more information about filter specification check here.
- bookmark (string) - query bookmark. This parameter is used when you have multiple batches of data. The bookmark is the last record Key column from current batch. To get initial batch set bookmark to empty.
- size (int) - query batch size.
Creates records in page. The method returns array of newly created records keys. These are the method parameters:
- page (string) - page name.
- data (string array) - array of data. Each data record must be in the following format:
[field name]:[field value][CR][LF] [field name]:[field value][CR][LF] ...
Updates records in page. The method returns array of updated records keys. These are the method parameters:
- page (string) - page name.
- data (string array) - array of data. Each data record must be in the following format:
[field name]:[field value][CR][LF] [field name]:[field value][CR][LF] ...
Deletes record in page. The method returns result if record is deleted. These are the method parameters:
- page (string) - page name.
- data (string array) - record key.
Specify the name or IP address of the Dynamics NAV server.
Specify user name to access the Dynamics NAV service.
Specify user password to access the Dynamics NAV service.
Specify company name.
Specify the number of seconds before timing out session connect. The default value of this property is 100 seconds.
Specify if all clients should use the same connection. This property has the options listed in the following table.
Value | Description |
True | All clients use same connection (default). |
False | Every client uses different connection. |
Specify the name or IP address of the proxy server.
Specify the port number on the proxy server to use for the connection.
Specify user name to access the proxy server.
Specify password to access the proxy server.
IPageField / INavPageField
This interface is used to retrieve page field information.
Returns field name.
Returns field type.
Returns field length.
Returns field precision.
Returns field scale.
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