DEPRECATED: Starting with SSIS+ 1.9, the .NET scripts are no longer maintained. Use the provided JavaScript alternative scripts instead.
Average: 3.8 (4 votes)


Script task to send electronic documents (EDI, XML) using Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) specification.


The task has the following parameters:

  • HttpConnection - selects HTTP Connection.
  • IsInputFileVariable - indicates whether the input file path is stored in a variable.
    • InputFile - selects input file connection manager.
    • InputFileVariable - selects variable containing input file path.
  • ContentType - selects or specifies input file type.
  • AS2From - specifies AS2-From identifer.
  • AS2To - specifies AS2-To identifer.
  • ResultFile - selects result file connection manager where the transmission result is stored.
  • Encrypt - selects whether the input file is encrypted: None, 3DES, RC2.
  • IsRecipientCertificateVariable - indicates whether the recipient certificate file path is stored in a variable.
    • RecipientCertificate - selects recipient certificate file connection manager.
    • RecipientCertificateVariable - selects variable containing recipient certificate file path.
  • Sign - selects whether the input file is signed.
  • IsSigningCertificateVariable - indicates whether the signing certificate file path is stored in a variable.
    • SigningCertificate - selects signing certificate file connection manager.
    • SigningCertificateVariable - selects variable containing signing certificate file path.
  • SigningCertificatePassword - specifies signing certificate password.


Depends on COZYROC [Script Task Plus]:(/ssis/script-task) component for implementing parameters user interface.

Library references

  • System
  • System.Data
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.ScriptTask
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS
  • CozyRoc.SSISPlus
  • Microsoft.SQLServer.DTSRuntimeWrap
  • System.Security
